
Basic Payment Scheme: guidance

If you intend to take part in the Basic Payment Scheme you must read this guidance carefully and make sure you understand the requirements of the scheme.

31. The application process

You must tell us about all transfers. You can do this by completing an application form and sending it to the Entitlement Transfer Unit six weeks before the date on which the actual transfer takes place.

You must provide confirmation of the number of entitlements being transferred, and whether the transfer is with or without land. This confirmation will normally be a copy of the sale or lease agreement, or in the case of inheritance a statement or notification from the executors. If the means of transfer is not by sale or lease (for example a gift or anticipated inheritance) we might need to discuss and agree with you an appropriate form of confirmation.

You can make multiple transfers (for example, some entitlements with land and some entitlements without land) using the same form, as long you are transferring these to the same farmer. Otherwise, you must use a separate form for each transfer.


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