
Basic Payment Scheme: guidance

If you intend to take part in the Basic Payment Scheme you must read this guidance carefully and make sure you understand the requirements of the scheme.

7. Participation

You can participate in the scheme and receive subsidy if you:

  • are an Active Farmer - see section 14 for more details
  • hold Basic Payment Scheme entitlements, either through an original award or having acquired them by transfer - see section 9 for more information
  • submit a claim in the form of a Single Application Form ( IACS) aid application
  • farm a minimum of three hectares of eligible land
  • have one eligible hectare of land for each entitlement
  • are involved in agricultural activity
  • maintain your land in Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition and meet a number of Statutory Management Requirements covering the environment, food safety, animal and plant health and animal welfare (Cross Compliance)
  • undertake agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment - commonly known as 'Greening' (this is a compulsory part of Direct Payments and you could lose your right to payments if you fail to comply)
  • keep comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date records.

We may inspect your holding to verify your claim and it is a condition of receiving subsidy that you co-operate with any inspection.


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