
Becoming a Fair Work Nation: consultation - easy read

Easy Read version of the consultation seeking views on the action you think needs to be taken to achieve our vision of Scotland becoming a Fair Work Nation.

Further progress

We are on a journey to becoming a Fair Work nation.

The Fair Work in Scotland Report 2020 says what needs to be done. The job market has changed since 2019 and will continue to change.

Public sector leadership

The Scottish Government will continue to provide leadership. We will work with the public sector to push Fair Work.

We will work in partnership with employers, unions and councils. Services need to have Fair Work to get public sector funding.

Fair Work is important to our economic plans. It also supports the new Human Rights Bill. This Bill has economic, social and cultural rights in it.

We will also match EU law, policy, and standards.

Scotland is able to continue to enjoy the high standards we had as a part of the EU. It will make it easier if Scotland re-join the EU.

Key sectors

We will continue to support key sectors of the economy to improve fair working. We will promote Fair Work in other areas where it is needed.

The Scottish Government believe good child’s early learning and childcare needs a good workforce. Fair work supports this. Services delivering childcare need to commit to fair work practices. All private and third sector providers delivering funded childcare will get funding to allow them to pay staff the real Living Wage.

We will continue to work with the social care sector to push Fair Work policies. Fair Work in Adult Social Care is important for long term improvement. This is not just for staff but those they support. We will create a National Care Service to deliver care and improve standards. It will make pay and conditions better for workers. It will provide better support for unpaid carers.

In construction we will work to for it to be an important part of the Scottish economy. It will have policies that will help it have more diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Where workers have greater security of pay and contract, they can develop their skills and have an effective voice in the workplace.

More powers

We could do more if the Scottish Government had employment law powers. We could make workers’ rights better. We could make sure all workers get paid the real Living Wage. We could stop things that make the workplace bad for people.



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