Becoming a skilled worker visa sponsor: guide for GP practices

Guidance designed for General Practices in Scotland looking to becoming host visa sponsors to support International Medical Graduates working in Scotland.

The Online Application – Organisation

Organisation: Step 3 of 4

1. Practices are usually a Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or a limited company

2. The practice will likely pay both PAYE tax and National Insurance, because the practice has employees. The practice may also have a VAT registration number.

3. It is important to provide this information because your HMRC registration will help the Home Office to confirm the authenticity of the practice, and that the practice is paying the worker in line with the Immigration Rules and sponsor guidance.

4. When asked what sector your organisation operates in, you should select 'Human Health and Social Work Activities'.

5. Next you will need to provide details of any memberships or accreditations that the practice is legally required to have with a governing body. Scottish General Practices are not required to provide any details of memberships or accreditations so leave this section blank.

6. You will also need to provide details of any non-legally required memberships or accreditation. Specifically, this the GMC membership details of the senior partner at the GP practice.



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