
Bee Health Improvement Partnership minutes - action log and progress report: February 2022

Paper for the meeting of the group on 28 February 2022.

Outstanding actions

Outstanding action points from previous meetings

4. LM to draft new ‘Good practice for selling nucs’ guidelines and standards and will circulate for comment. Owner: LM. Update: agreed to leave this open. Meantime, there is other guidance out there and therefore not urgent. Status: ongoing.

8. MG to invite LM to next BFA meeting. Owner: AE. Update: AE confirmed that there is no meeting currently scheduled. However, agreed to let Luis know once one is arranged. Status: on hold.

9. MG to consider to invite Robert Field to speak to the BFA members, with emphasis on EFB control plan group, on his biosecurity and compartmentalisation methods. Owner: AE. Update: MG to consider to invite Robert Field to speak to the BFA members, with emphasis on EFB control plan group, on his biosecurity and compartmentalisation methods. Status: ongoing.

32. Graeme to explore SRUC ability to create media content to aid the delivery of Varroa training. Owner: GS. Update: Graeme not available at the moment but it was agreed to keep this open and the new recruit can take this forward. Status: on hold. 

34. Fiona to complete Varroa mapping in Scotland. Owner: FH. update: Work in progress, stalled due to IT/software issues. Status: ongoing. 

35. Luis to speak to Cristina and ask if she would like to attend the next meeting for introductions/Jackie to issue calendar invite. Owner: LM and JQ. Update: Cristina was unable to attend meeting on 7 September 2021. Dhonn Atkinson (Cristina’s temporary replacement) should be invited to the next quarterly meeting. Status: ongoing. 

37. Following the AGM in October, MG to report back any feedback from bee farmers on the impact the ban of imports of packages has had. Owner: MG. Update: Alex confirmed there was no relevant feedback through the BFA AGM to report on in respect of package imports. The BFA did consider two propositions arising from within its membership at its AGM in relation to general association policy on imports; outcomes of an all-member poll in both cases indicated majority support of the association’s current position. Status: closed.

38. SG policy to confirm what import inspections have taken place. Owner: AK and LM. Update: SG policy provided an update including figures provided by Northern Ireland colleagues. Luis to check at next 4-admin meeting whether there is any truth that only 1 in 3 packages were checked. Status: ongoing. 

39. Luis/Alison to look at how we can improve communications after an outbreak and what information we can include. Linsey to add to the list of SBA articles an article for April/May 2022 on what to do if you receive a disease notification email. Owner: AK/LM/LW. Update: SG Policy are working on amending our notifications in BeeBase to all register beekeepers. We are also amending our communications strategy following identification of disease in a new area. We will contact the local beekeeping association and we have developed a new template for communications taking on board feedback from BHIP members. We also plan to do the SBA article as agreed. Status: closed.

40. Luis/Alison to contact APHA and NBU to check how work is progressing to make Beebase more representative of Scottish beekeepers. Owner: LM/AK. Update: SG policy have had further meetings with the NBU and we are trying to develop a new SLA. Changes have started to take effect and we are noticing a much more inclusive narrative from colleagues in the NBU during publications of news in BeeBase. Status: closed. 

41. Alison to seek clarification from solicitors on wording in the legislation for treatment of infected colonies. Owner: AK. Update: AK confirmed initial contact with our legal team in November and due to other pressing matters that they were dealing with it was agreed that we would revisit this spring 2022. Status: ongoing. 

New action points from last meeting on 28 February 2022

42. Group to review the ToR for the BHIP and send any comments to Alison/Linsey before our next meeting. Alison/Linsey to update list of members included in ToR on the SG web page. Owner: all member/AK and LW. 

43. Phil to arrange a webinar to deliver the training package (whilst this is something we would like to do,  given current resources, the timing may be delayed and taken forward when feasible). Owner: PM.

44. Margaret to review SG guidance on imports and provide feedback on whether this is easier to follow. Owner: MT.

45. Linsey to update survey report incorporating suggestions and then re-circulate the final version to the group for sight. Owner: LW.

46. Alison to schedule monthly meetings to focus on the development of the new honey bee health strategy. Owner: AK.

47. The group to send Luis, Alison and Linsey a list of the key issues they feel need addressed and put in the new strategy/implementation plan. Owner: All. 

Quarterly reports on the outcomes of the Honey Bee Health Strategy

Each organisation’s update on the key activities completed/delivered for each of the four delivery outcomes of the Scottish Honey Bee Health Strategy.

Outcome 1 - education, training and knowledge transfer

Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA)

The SBA has continued, through the use of virtual and web-based activities to provide good educational content to enhance the skill levels of members and others in beekeeping activities. We are proposing, in accordance with SG guidelines to have a wax and skep making workshop in the next few months together with a face-to-face AGM in April and honey show/convention in September.

We will be attending the RHS at Ingliston for the four-day event.

In association with the BBKA, we are organising modular and practical beekeeping examinations this year and our ABAs are endeavouring to run beginner courses and practical apiary sessions.

Our online Bee Academy courses through the web based Magentrix platform is being populated and will be effective this year.


Talks delivered (online):

  • Newbattle Beekeepers Association – pests and diseases of honeybees
  • East of Scotland Beekeepers Association - brood diseases


  • EBSOC/Annan academy project planning meetings for Royal Society funded project

Scottish Government

  • 2nd November: Talk - Women in Agriculture - Julie Sievewright giving a talk on inspections include a section on honey bees and bee health
  • 3rd of November: Talk by Luis Molero. Women rural group. Talk on honey bees, basic beekeeping, impact of honey bees in the environment.15 attending
  • 6th of November: Two talks by Luis Molero and Claire Gill at the Aberdeenshire Beekeepers Association annual convention. Bee health, ethical beekeeping, impact of honey bees in the environment
  • 17th and 18th of November: Bee inspectors attended the Atlantic positive action, Asian Hornet on line conferenced hosted by the university of Vigo in Galicia, Spain

We have started to prepare the training program for our inspectors in 2022. We are also working with the NBU who have offered us attendance to their annual convention in April 2022. 

SG continues to fund the post of Honey Bee Advisor in SRUC. This post has now been advertised on a six month temporary basis. Luis Molero as LBI will be involved on the recruitment. This role is envisaged to cover previous responsibilities in training and supporting beekeepers but will move to a bigger emphasis on training, mentoring and partnership working with bee inspectors during the 2022 season.  

British Farmers Association (BFA)

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Outcome 2 - communication 

Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA)

The SBA has taken part in meetings with Government officials and various other national bodies in an effort to co-ordinate a unified structure and purpose to our communications.

We have been supported by members of the Bee Inspectorate and SASA by them writing monthly articles in the Scottish Beekeepers’ magazine informing members of their function, capabilities and bee associated conditions. 

We have liaised with Luis Molero regarding the Compensation Cover provided by the SBA to members and the potential effect of treatments with regard to EFB/AFB detailed by the Bee Inspectorate. The SBA has changed the wording of the Compensation Scheme, organised by the trustees to reflect these changes and now the appropriate SBA members will only be covered for the loss of the frames and bees and not the colony equipment.

We are in regular communications with our ABAs through the appropriate trustee Andy Watson.


Articles written for SBA magazine:

  • look out for Asian Hornet (September issue)
  • view from the SASA Lab (December issue)

Scottish Government

  • 9th September: 37th Bee Health Advisory Forum. Scottish Government attendance
  • 13th September: SBA Monthly Article. Summary of 2021 inspection season by Luis Molero LBI - for publication in the October magazine
  • 15th September: BFA Article. Luis Molero LBI. Update from SG on Honey Bee Health, policy and end of season summary
  • 23rd September: Four UK Administrations meeting (SG hosting and taking the note)
  • 11th October: publication - review of the 1st 10 year Honey Bee Health Strategy
  • 13th October: SBA monthly article by Luis Molero: SG bee health funding - for publication in the November magazine
  • 10th November: meeting - HBHS Steering Group - annual meeting
  • 13th November: SBA monthly article - view from the Lab (SASA - Fiona and Mairi) - for publication in the December magazine
  • 23rd November: UK four Administrations meeting (Defra hosting)
  • 13th December: SBA monthly article - "all you ever wanted to know about BeeBase" (Luis/Claire) for publication in the January 2022 magazine
  • 19th January: meeting SG policy/NBU re: BeeBase SLA/MoU and forward look
  • 20th January: UK four Administrations meeting (Wales hosting)        
  • 13th February: SBA monthly article - my first season as a bee inspector by Graham Henderson - for publication in the March 2022 magazine
  • 16th February: report on illustrative honey yields and prices for RESAS. Luis Molero LBI

British Farmers Association (BFA)

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Outcome 3 - surveillance, diagnosis and biosecurity 

Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA)

The SBA has an online communication system whereby we, together with Government officials can communicate disease outbreaks in an efficient manner to our membership. It is unfortunate that we are unable to communicate personally with all beekeepers in Scotland due to the way that membership is organised. A database of all beekeepers in Scotland would be an effective tool in these matters and could only be brought about by registration.

Murray McGregor (bee farmer) took part in a recent SBA webinar and answered many questions some of which were associated with the importation of bees/queens and the issues caused thereby. This and other webinar recording are available on the SBA website. The SBA, as an organisation seeks to promote sensible beekeeping practices and not dissuade its members from any legal beekeeping associated activities.

We are in constant communication with the Bee Inspectorate and SASA and are able to communicate good disease diagnoses articles from them to our members.


Continuing provision of varroa screening services and dead adult bees analysis from unexplained colony losses. Additional testing/advisory support for beekeepers in isolated areas of some Scottish isles who are attempting to remove low levels of Varroa mites from their colonies. 

  • SASA Lab figures for 2021 season:
  • Foulbrood – 663 samples from 207 apiaries
  • Varroa screening – 56 samples 
  • adult bees analysis – 8 samples. 2 positives for Acarine, 2 very low Nosema, 1 probable CBPV (based on clinical symptoms). Samples from suspected CBPV collected for St Andrews study
  • pesticide residue analysis – 4 samples. 1 case of Fipronil poisoning – source unknown
  • import controls - 12 consignments from EU totalling 4028 cages received. No notifiable pests detected

Foulbrood testing has seen a 3-fold increase since 2017, and 2-fold since 2020, primarily due to an increase in number of inspections, plus the training of a suite of new bee inspectors.

Asian Hornet surveillance request put out to beekeepers in Sept as article in SBA magazine with thanks to SBA for follow up requests. Limited response rate, but all reports were nil responses – no sign of Asian Hornet. 

Scottish Government

Our inspection programme ended in September 2021 and was reported at our previous BHIP. 

We have started to prepare the strategy for delivery of inspections in 2022.

We have created reports for each individual Bee Farmer signed to the EFB control plan. We  have scheduled meetings with each of the Bee Farmers in the plan to discuss improvements in bio-security and disease control in the 2022 season. 

British Farmers Association (BFA)

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Outcome 4 - research and development 

Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA)

Although the SBA is not a research and development funding organisation, we do try and assist research organisations through member assistance and our support.  Through our ABAs and membership, we are assisting Linnet McGregor from Aberdeen University regarding her research into pesticides, associated with gardens instead of those utilised in farmer’s fields and their possible effects on honeybees/pollinators.

Mathew Richardson, SBA Disease/Bee Health trustee, is utilising the assistance of SASA in respect of two research projects we have been asked to consider for the Janet Foreman award.  This is a small, one of award with regard to honeybee research.  The role of the SASA member will be to ascertain, with Mathew as to which one of these projects is a viable recipient of this award.  


A sample from every apiary with confirmed foulbrood (EFB & AFB) in 2021 was analysed for ‘strain type’ to facilitate identification of the likely source of infection in outbreaks and assist with targeting inspections. Findings included strains of AFB previously undetected in Scotland.

Progress on development of sub-clinical testing of EFB has been hampered by Covid and staffing restrictions, but we hope to recommence this work in 2022.

Varroa and DWV (St Andrews) – Luke Woodford has completed his studies. 

Pesticide exposure in cityscapes (Aberdeen) – student has visited SASA with preliminary samples to develop methods to be used to test first year samples. 

Scottish Government

We continue to work with SASA on the production of an EFB subclinical process for better EFB control. 

British Farmers Association (BFA)

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

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