
Being Effective - What NHS Non-Executive Directors Need to Know

Resource booklet for NHSScotland Board Members, with an interest in governance.


Accountability of NHS Boards is clearly set out in legislation. NHS Boards are responsible through the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport to the Scottish Parliament for the safe, effective and person-centred delivery of services. Appointed by Scottish Ministers, Non-Executive Directors of NHS Boards play an essential role in governing the quality and performance of the delivery of health and social care services to the people of Scotland.

Development of the Non-Executive Directors of NHS Boards supports good governance around all aspects of the organisations activities. This resource has been developed in recognition that our Non-Executive Directors all have different experiences, knowledge and skill sets, yet all need to be effective in their role. It provides an overview of the key functions of NHS Boards from a Non-Executive Directors’ perspective and highlights good practice, suggested development activities and signposts how to find out more.

On behalf of the Chairs of NHS Boards, I hope you find this resource useful.

Jeane Freeman

Jeane Freeman
Chair of Golden Jubilee Foundation Board


Email: Sarah Hildersley

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