
Benefits of Cloud

An overview of the benefits of public cloud services for the Scottish public sector

Constantly evolving capabilities

The arrival of cloud services into mainstream use is a revolution in business capability, not merely an evolution in IT delivery. The constant innovation that characterises the public cloud landscape is having a profound impact on our ability to develop convenient, secure and integrated public services.


This is because cloud provides:

  • commoditised services: hyper-scale public Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) offer hundreds of innovative services, designed to be used on-demand, in a plug and play manner, based on a consumption charge model
  • crowd innovation: CSPs are constantly working with customers around the world to identify and develop new services to meet their needs. Organisations can benefit from this hyper-scale effort by using off-the-shelf cloud services, instead of developing in-house applications, or purchasing static product suites
  • constant improvement: cloud services are constantly updated, with new features and improved functionality being released every day. Development teams can take advantage of these updates with minimal time or cost investment. This is contrary to on-premises software deployments, which usually require large, high-risk upgrades – which incur time and cost
  • flexibility: well-architected cloud services are easier to develop and maintain, leaving organisations to improve the capabilities of services simply by swapping in new components, without redesigning the service



Telephone: 0300 244 4000


Cloud First
Cloud and Digital Services Division
Area 1H South
Victoria Quay

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