Unscheduled care - professional to professional decision support: guidance
This best practice guidance will help effective clinical communication and support shared decision making, with the aim of accessing alternatives to hospital attendance or admission where appropriate and safe to do so.
Appendix A: Stakeholder List
Danielle Brooks
Designation: Unscheduled Care Policy Officer
Health Board: Scottish Government
Dr Ronald Cook
Designation: Consultant Emergency Medicine
Health Board: NHS Tayside
Dr Amanda Cotton
Designation: Consultant Psychiatrist
Health Board: NHS Borders
Carol Goodman
Designation: Redesign of Urgent Care Programme Director
Health Board: Scottish Government
Janice Houston
Designation: Associate Director of Operations and Nursing
Health Board: NHS 24
Heather MacKay
Designation: Unscheduled Care Senior Policy Officer
Health Board: Scottish Government
Dr Gordon McNeish
Designation: Consultant Emergency Medicine
Health Board: NHS Lanarkshire
Gerry Mooney
Designation: Unscheduled Care National Improvement Advisor
Health Board: Scottish Government
Dr Gillian Mulholland
Designation: Consultant Gastroenterologist
Health Board: NHS Lanarkshire
Kerri Neylon
Designation: Deputy Medical Director / National Primary Care Leads Group Chair
Health Board: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Marese O'Reilly
Designation: Unscheduled Care Project Manager
Health Board: Scottish Government
Susan Paterson
Designation: Clinical Care Group Manager
Health Board: NHS Tayside
Dahrlene Tough
Designation: Consultant Paramedic / Unscheduled Care National Improvement Advisor
Health Board: Scottish Ambulance Service / Scottish Government
Amanda Trolland
Designation: Unscheduled Care Programme Manager
Health Board: Scottish Government
Merrell Veitch
Designation: Unscheduled Care Project Support Officer
Health Board: Scottish Government
Jonathon Will
Designation: Clinical Effectiveness Lead
Health Board: Scottish Ambulance Service
Email: UnscheduledCareTeam@gov.scot
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