Unscheduled care - professional to professional decision support: guidance
This best practice guidance will help effective clinical communication and support shared decision making, with the aim of accessing alternatives to hospital attendance or admission where appropriate and safe to do so.
Appendix B: SBAR Template
It is recommended that organisations educate their professionals / clinicians in SBAR methodology to support decision making. This will support earlier detection of patients who are suitable to be referred directly to the right services and not conveyed to Emergency Departments.
S - Situation
- I am (name) on scene calling about <Patient Name>
- I would like to consider this patient for <e.g. SDEC>
- Chief complaint is <xxx>
- I am calling from <the patient's home / care home>
B - Background
- has / has not sought medical advice / treatment in last 7 days
- Long term conditions are <xxx>
- Known care plans / Resuscitation status <xxx>
- Medication is <known / unknown>
- Patient is COVID <positive / negative / unknown>
A - Assessment
- NEWS-2 score <xxx>
- GCS, Resp Rate, HR, Sats, BP, Blood Glucose
- I think the problem is <xxx>
- I am not sure what the problem is, I think the patient requires <e.g. further diagnostics>
- I have given <e.g. oxygen / fluids / analgesia>
R - Recommendation
- I think the patient requires <secondary care and would be suitable for an alternative pathway to ED>
- <I feel the patient is clinically safe and happy to make their own way to an alternative pathway (specific time to be agreed)>
- Is there anything I need to do in the meantime?
Email: UnscheduledCareTeam@gov.scot
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