
Admission to adult mental health wards for under 18's - adaptation for Scotland: guidance

Best practice guidance to aid implementation of s23 of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment)( Scotland) Act 2003 which places a duty on health boards to provide sufficient services and accommodation to meet the needs of young people under 18 when they are admitted to hospital for treatment of a mental disorder.

Useful Resources

To support the changes required, there are a number of useful resources for Boards, commissioners, and professionals from AMHS and CAMHS:

1) The Mental Welfare Commission Guidance on the admission of young people to Adult Mental Health Wards (April 2013).

2) Working Together to Provide Age-Appropriate Environments and Services for Mental Health Patients aged under 18: A briefing forcommissioners of adult mental health services and child and adolescent mental services (NMHDU, 2009).

3) The Somerset Advocacy Headspace Toolkit ( has been updated and placed on the internet.

4) A staffing and training guide 'Working within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Inpatient Services: A Practitioners Handbook' by AngelaSergeant is available online: Working within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Inpatient Services.

The guide was developed to support all staff in CAMHS and adult wards who work with young people in an inpatient mental health setting.



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