
Best Start, Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026

The second tackling child poverty delivery plan due under the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017. Outlining action for the period 2022 to 2026.

Conclusion – Our vision for Scotland

Taken together, with our actions to date combined with those set out in this plan, we anticipate that around 17% of children will live in relative poverty in 2023, with more than 60,000 fewer children living in poverty than when the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act was passed in 2017. Crucially, these actions also set us on a clear path to deliver the final targets in 2030.

For this plan to have the intended impact, all parts of the system must work together for the priority families and those who face the greatest disadvantage.

Scotland will successfully tackle child poverty when families are supported by holistic, person-centred services to access all the financial, emotional and practical assistance required to meet their needs. From an enhanced package of social security benefits to preventative mental health, wellbeing and homelessness support, when delivered well, at scale, the actions contained within this plan will enable families to live safe, secure lives confident in the knowledge that they are able to access the right support, at the right time, for as long as they need it.

Building from this secure foundation, all parents, regardless of their gender, race or status will be able to access high quality skills and employability support that is geared towards securing good quality employment, with the connectivity and childcare in place to make this possible.

We do not underestimate the challenge in delivering this, but nor do we underestimate the need, and the willingness, for partners across Scotland to play their part in making this change happen.

Partnerships across the public, private and third sectors are essential to delivering on our national mission. Partnerships with the families who are in most need of this support will be critical to the success of this joint endeavour. Underpinning the approach set out in this plan is a renewed focus on delivery, from our pathfinder areas to a national delivery board, we will bring together leaders, decision makers, parents, children, and anyone who is willing to partner with us on this journey.

The years ahead present both challenges and opportunities to achieving our vision. Our commitment to Keeping the Promise will require us to be bold and ambitious in delivering stronger services for families who need them. Delivering a just transition to net zero can deliver positive employment, revenue and community benefits if we do so in the right way. And delivering our child poverty targets can transform the lives of families and our economy.

Sustaining lower levels of poverty and maximising outcomes for the next generation and future generations will be vital in delivering the change we want to see, and to ensure every family in Scotland has a brighter future. That is why the actions in this plan are aligned with wider, long-term work being undertaken across the Scottish Government, including our Population Programme which sets out a vision for Scotland to be the best place to raise a family.

We have also committed to considering a new approach to ensuring the interests of future generations are taken into account in decisions made today, through a Future Generations Commission. In developing these proposals, we will ensure that these reflect Government priorities, including to reduce child poverty, and compliment the work of the Poverty and Inequality Commission.

Together we can achieve our national mission, and tackle child poverty in Scotland.



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