Better Business: How to go greener with staff to improve performance

This practical guide offers help and

advice for businesses and other employers

who want to reduce their carbon footprint. In particular, it provides information on what the critical success factors are for involving staff to drive change and how staff engagement offers real benefits that are much broader than just carbon savings.

About the authors of this guide…

This guide has been collaboratively produced by Dr Annette Cox and Catherine Rickard (Institute for Employment Studies) and Andrew Darnton (AD Research & Analysis).

The Institute for Employment Studies is an independent, not-for-profit organisation and registered charity established over 40 years ago. It provides research and evidence-based consultancy in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice and aims to achieve sustainable improvements in these fields by improving decision-making in policy bodies and employers.

AD Research and Analysis Ltd is an independent social research company founded and headed by Andrew Darnton. It specialises in: using models and theory to provide guidance on behaviour change, carrying out desk research and producing segmentation models. It focuses on priority policy challenges in sustainability and the environment, health, global poverty, education and justice.

Dr Annette Cox

Dr Annette Cox

Andrew Darnton

Andrew Darnton

Catherine Rickard

Catherine Rickard


Email: Jonathan Waite

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