
Better eating, better learning: a new context for school food

Refreshed guidance to support schools and all stakeholders to work in partnership to make improvements in school food and food education.

Annex A - Membership of the 'Still Hungry for Success' School Food and Food Education Working Group

Association of Directors of Education in Scotland ( ADES) Hugh Fraser (Chair of Working Group) (Highland Council)
ASSIST Bill Kennedy
Children in Scotland Jackie Brock
Food Standards Agency in Scotland Heather Peace
Association for Public Service Excellence Scotland Andrew Kennedy
Cordia Julia McCreadie
Glasgow City Council (Secondary Headteacher) Lisa Pierotti
Education Scotland Shirley Beattie/Lesley Kirkwood
Highland Council (Primary Headteacher) Tania Mackie
COSLA Kathy Cameron
Scotland Food and Drink James Withers
NHS Health Scotland Claire Hislop
Scottish Government Procurement Policy Jo Mitchell
Scotland Excel Hugh Carr
National Parent Forum of Scotland Iain Ellis


Scottish Government (Learning) Bill Scott-Watson
Scottish Government (Learning) Lyndsey Fogg/Lynne Carter
Scottish Government (Food and Drink) Robin Gourlay


Email: Lynne Carter,

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