Better eating, better learning: a new context for school food
Refreshed guidance to support schools and all stakeholders to work in partnership to make improvements in school food and food education.
Annex A - Membership of the 'Still Hungry for Success' School Food and Food Education Working Group
Association of Directors of Education in Scotland ( ADES) | Hugh Fraser (Chair of Working Group) (Highland Council) |
ASSIST | Bill Kennedy |
Children in Scotland | Jackie Brock |
Food Standards Agency in Scotland | Heather Peace |
Association for Public Service Excellence Scotland | Andrew Kennedy |
Cordia | Julia McCreadie |
Glasgow City Council (Secondary Headteacher) | Lisa Pierotti |
Education Scotland | Shirley Beattie/Lesley Kirkwood |
Highland Council (Primary Headteacher) | Tania Mackie |
COSLA | Kathy Cameron |
Scotland Food and Drink | James Withers |
NHS Health Scotland | Claire Hislop |
Scottish Government Procurement Policy | Jo Mitchell |
Scotland Excel | Hugh Carr |
National Parent Forum of Scotland | Iain Ellis |
Scottish Government (Learning) | Bill Scott-Watson |
Scottish Government (Learning) | Lyndsey Fogg/Lynne Carter |
Scottish Government (Food and Drink) | Robin Gourlay |
Email: Lynne Carter,
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