
Better eating, better learning: a new context for school food

Refreshed guidance to support schools and all stakeholders to work in partnership to make improvements in school food and food education.

Annex C: Resource Page - Access to Further Information

This link will take you to some webpages which will help you access a wealth of resources about school food and food education. The web pages will be updated regularly to ensure that you get access to current and relevant information. They will help you access:-

  • Useful publications, including the most up-to-date version of the 'Better Eating, Better Learning' self-evaluation tool
  • Examples of good practice in schools across Scotland, not least through 'Engage for Education' blogs and school meals websites
  • Education Scotland resources which help deliver learning around food, including 'Food for Thought: Exploring food and drink through Curriculum for Excellence'
  • Information about the 'New Context for School Food' and the history of school food in Scotland.
  • Information about procurement, including a Catering for Sustainable Procurement Checklist and the National Public Procurement Model
  • Information about partners who can support school food and food education and current food programmes and grants
  • Statistics and Research


Email: Lynne Carter,

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