
Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 - proposed amendments: consultation analysis

Summarises the responses that we received on our consultation on potential amendments to the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 as part of the better environmental regulation programme.

1. Introduction

This document summarises the responses that the Scottish Government received to its consultation on potential amendments to The Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (the 2018 Regulations). The consultation ran for 15 weeks before closing on 30 March 2024.

There were 35 questions in the consultation document. This summary is a high-level overview of the main messages from the consultation responses, reflecting the views offered. The summaries are presented in the same order as the consultation document and a government response is provided after each section of questions. It may be useful to refer to the consultation document as you read this analysis document.

The Scottish Government is grateful to everyone who took the time and effort to respond. The responses have been analysed by Scottish Government staff dealing with the consultation proposals.

Purpose of the consultation

The purpose of this consultation was to seek stakeholders’ views and to invite comments on the draft Regulations, and in particular:

  • the technical provisions relating to water, waste, and industrial activities
  • the four proposed new activities and changes to the process in relation to the public consultation and call-in procedure
  • various amendments to the common procedures in the 2018 Regulations and technical provisions for radioactive substances activities

Also sought were views to explore how ammonia emission from livestock farms, particularly dairy and intensive livestock, might be better managed and reduced.

Analysis methodology

A qualitative thematic analysis of the open-ended questions was undertaken, which identified the key points raised. Where feasible, a numerical estimate of those in support and against each proposal has been provided.

The consultation was published on the online digital platform Citizen Space which recorded responses through an online questionnaire. Responses were also received via email. Email responses which directly responded to individual questions were entered into Citizen Space manually and treated in the same way as other responses on that platform. All responses received were counted and the views presented were included in the analysis. All responses were read.

A full record of all questions is available in the consultation document.

We received 50 responses (39 responses via Citizen Space and 11 by email or letter), and whilst we have considered each response and all the information provided it is not possible to respond in this summary to every individual point raised.



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