
Better Health, Better Care: National Delivery Plan for Children and Young People's Specialist Services in Scotland

The National Delivery Plan meets a key milestone in the commitments set out in Better Health, Better Care. It establishes a national infrastructure for the sustainability of specialist children's services in Scotland, not just in the specialist hospitals but also in District General Hospitals and in the community: it identifies work that needs to take place at a national and regional level to sustain and develop services, drawing down the additional £32 million commited over the 3 financial year


We would like to thank the National Steering Group for Specialist Children's Services and the Children and Young People's Health Support Group, both chaired by Malcolm Wright, for leading and overseeing the work that has resulted in this National Delivery Plan.

We are also indebted to the many staff who contributed to this work and to the children, young people and their families whose views have been a vital element in developing our proposals.

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