
Better Health, Better Care: National Delivery Plan for Children and Young People's Specialist Services in Scotland

The National Delivery Plan meets a key milestone in the commitments set out in Better Health, Better Care. It establishes a national infrastructure for the sustainability of specialist children's services in Scotland, not just in the specialist hospitals but also in District General Hospitals and in the community: it identifies work that needs to take place at a national and regional level to sustain and develop services, drawing down the additional £32 million commited over the 3 financial year


Photo of Nicola Sturgeon, MSP Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing

When the National Delivery Plan for Children and Young People's Specialist Services in Scotland was launched for consultation in March 2008 it met a key milestone in our commitments set out in Better Health, Better Care. The Best Possible Start section, of that document, clearly indicated that improving the care of some of our most vulnerable children and young people in Scotland is a key priority for this Scottish Government.

The commitment of an additional £32 million over the next three years will ensure the future sustainability of the existing children's hospitals in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. It will also allow us to plan for the development of two new children's hospitals in Edinburgh and Glasgow which will mean that Scotland will have the most modern hospital facilities for children and young people in Europe.

However, this document is not just about hospital provision, it is about improving the care of children and young people through a network of services working together. We aim to do this by investing in services throughout Scotland and by supporting the development of care in District General Hospitals and in the community.

The views of children and young people and their families have been the focus of our approach, with the delivery of age appropriate care a key message from the consultation process. I will expect the Implementation Group, NHS Boards and Regional Planning Groups to continue to include these important stakeholders as the National Delivery Plan is taken forward.

Signature of Nicola Sturgeon, MSP Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing

Nicola Sturgeon, MSP

Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing

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