
Beyond the School Gate - Improving Food Choices in the School Community

Beyond the School Gate guidance was launched on 1st May 2014. It provides guidance for local authorities, schools, retailers, caterers and other partners on what they can do to influence the food environment around schools and support children and young people to make healthier choices.

Annex E: Self-Evaluation

Beyond the School Gate Self-evaluation: Tool for Recording Current and Planned Activities

There remains considerable scope to influence the food environment around schools and encourage children and young people to make healthier choices. This tool has been designed to support partners to review their current approach and consider what further action they can take. It is separated into four sections as follows, recognising the different roles partners can play to encourage healthier choices:

1. local authorities,
2. schools,
3. retailers, and
4. caterers.

This tool is intended to be of use to you and your organisation in the following ways:

  • To capture in one place a summary of current activity;
  • To note planned activity with timescales where appropriate;
  • To map out who your partners and stakeholders are;
  • To help identify opportunities for additional actions and possible gaps;
  • To help you plan, within your organisations and with partners.

Partners are encouraged to complete the section most relevant to them.

Please could you return a copy of your completed form to the Scottish Government by
30 June 2014. This will be used to create a representative baseline of current activity across Scotland. This tool is also available for download at:

Please return forms by email to or by post to:

Diet Policy Team, Public Health Division, Area 3ES, St Andrew's House, Edinburgh EH1 3DG.




Use this column to record current activity, with associated timescales if possible.

Use this column to record planned activity, with associated timescales if possible. This may or may not be in response to the 'Beyond the School Gate' guidance.


How are health improvement and support for healthier food choices near schools taken into account by your Community Planning Partnership?

How does the local authority use licensing powers to limit the operation of mobile food vans near schools?

How do you involve local schools, businesses and the wider community in the review of the local development plan?

How do you take account of public health during the planning application process?

How is action to support healthy food provision reflected in your Single Outcome Agreement?

What role does Environmental Health play to support healthy food provision near schools? This includes signposting to training and guidance available to support healthier food provision.

How does the local authority promote or raise awareness of initiatives which support healthier food provision amongst businesses, e.g. Healthy Living Award, Healthy Living Programme?

What other health promoting activity do you undertake which supports the promotion of a healthier food environment around schools?

How do you work with partners (e.g. NHS, schools, local businesses, parents) to encourage children and young people to make healthier food choices?

Do you undertake any local assessment or evaluation of initiatives to establish what works well and not so well? If so, please provide details




Local authority:

Date of completion:




Use this column to record current activity, with associated timescales if possible.

Use this column to record planned activity, with associated timescales if possible. This may or may not be in response to the 'Beyond the School Gate' guidance.


Does the school operate or has it considered introducing a stay on site policy? If so please give details.

Has the school used or considered using alternative settings for school meal provision (e.g. café areas and huts)?

What offers, incentives and promotions do you use to encourage children and young people to remain on site and use school facilities?

How does your school support children and young people to make healthier food choices outside of school?

To what extent do you work with partners (e.g. local food outlets) to support children and young people to make healthier food choices outside of school?

To what extent, if any, do you engage with local retailers and caterers in relation to healthier food provision?

Do you undertake any assessment or evaluation to identify what works well and not so well in schools? (e.g. surveys if so, please provide details)




Local authority:

Date of completion:




Use this column to record current activity, with associated timescales if possible.

Use this column to record planned activity, with associated timescales if possible. This may or may not be in response to the 'Beyond the School Gate' guidance.


Has your business signed up to the Healthy Living Programme, and to which level - normal or Gold Standard?

If, yes, what are you currently doing or planning to do to maintain the normal standard or move to Gold Standard?

If you have not signed up the Healthy Living Programme, are you interested in this? And, if not, what are you reasons for this?

Describe any support you get from your buying group, cash & carry, local authority, trade association or Healthy Living Programme.

Where do get information and advice on diet and healthy eating to help inform practice in store?

Do you engage with local schools and what form does this engagement take?

What healthier options do you provide as part of any meal deals aimed at pupils?

How do you promote the purchase of healthier foods to children?



Name of establishment:

Local authority:

Date of completion:




Use this column to record current activity, with associated timescales if possible.

Use this column to record planned activity, with associated timescales if possible. This may or may not be in response to the 'Beyond the School Gate' guidance.


Has your business signed up to the Healthy Living Award, and to which level - normal or Gold Standard?

If, yes, what are you currently doing or planning to do to maintain the normal standard or move to Gold Standard?

If you have not signed up the Healthy Living Award, are you interested in this? And, if not, what are you reasons for this?

Describe any support you get from your franchise company, catering supplier, local authority, trade association or Healthy Living Award team.

Do you engage with local schools and what form does this engagement take?

What healthier options do you provide as part of any meal deals aimed at pupils?

How do you promote the purchase of healthier foods to children? Do you have specific children's menus?

Where do get information and advice on diet to help inform practice?



Name of establishment:

Local authority:

Date of completion:


Email: Christopher Russell

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