
Beyond the School Gate - Improving Food Choices in the School Community

Beyond the School Gate guidance was launched on 1st May 2014. It provides guidance for local authorities, schools, retailers, caterers and other partners on what they can do to influence the food environment around schools and support children and young people to make healthier choices.

Annex D: Membership of the Beyond the School Gate Working Group


Name Organisation
Shirley Beattie/Lesley Kirkwood Education Scotland
Paul Birkin Glasgow City Council
Helen Clark Glasgow City Council
Lyndsey Clark Fife Food and Health Group
Kerry Crichton Education Scotland
Lynne Carter Scottish Government
Robin Gourlay Scottish Government
Beth Hall COSLA
Claire Hislop (Chair) NHS Health Scotland
Anne Lee Healthy Living Award
Steven McCluskey Moray Council
Allyson McCollum NHS Borders
David McNeill Young Scot
David Mitchell East Ayrshire Council
Gillian Purdon Food Standards Agency in Scotland


Name Organisation
Leigh Edwardson Scottish Government


Email: Christopher Russell

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