
BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 103

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 103

Worker Shortage Challenges

In Wave 103, businesses were asked about how their businesses have been affected by a shortage of workers – the specific question asked is shown below.

Worker Shortage Challenges question: Which of the following challenges, if any, has your business experienced due to a shortage of workers?

  • employees working increased hours
  • had to pause trading entirely
  • had to pause trading of some of the business
  • had to recruit temporary workers
  • unable to meet demands
  • other
  • not sure
  • business has not experienced any challenges due to a shortage of workers

Figure 1:  In Wave 103, 21.6% of businesses reported that a shortage of workers has resulted in employees working increased hours. The next most commonly reported impacts were that businesses had to recruit temporary workers (13.1%) and were unable to meet demands (8.5%). However, the majority of businesses (54.3%) reported that they had not experienced any challenges due to a shortage of workers.

Estimated share of businesses by worker shortage challenge. Businesses not permanently stopped trading, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 103 - 19 February to 3 March 2024.

A bar chart showing that in Wave 103, 21.6% of businesses reported that a shortage of workers has resulted in employees working increased hours, although the majority of businesses (54.3%) reported that they had not experienced any challenges due to this.

Source: BICS Weighted Scotland Estimates - Wave 103 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see table ‘WorkerShortageChallenge’.


For enquiries about this publication please contact:

Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser



For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician


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