BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 111

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 111

Capital Expenditure

In the period 17 June to 30 June 2024 (Wave 111), businesses were asked about their expectations for capital expenditure between July and September 2024.

Figure 1: In Wave 111, 16.3% of businesses expected to increase capital expenditure over the next three months, rising to 21.4% for businesses in the Manufacturing sector and 24.4% for businesses in the Education sector.

Estimated share of businesses by expectations for capital expenditure between July and September 2024. Businesses not permanently stopped trading, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 111.

A bar chart showing that 16.3% of businesses expected to increase capital expenditure between July and September 2024.

Source: BICS Weighted Scotland Estimates - Wave 111 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see table ‘CapExpExpect’.

In Wave 111, the BICS asked businesses why they were expecting to authorise capital expenditure in the next three months.

Capital expenditure reason question: Why is your business expecting to authorise capital expenditure between July and September 2024?

  • For replacements
  • To expand capacity
  • To increase efficiency
  • To provide new services
  • To reach new customers
  • To use new technology
  • Other
  • Not sure

Figure 2: Of businesses expecting to authorise capital expenditure over the next three months, around half (51.6%) reported that this was for replacements.

Estimated share of businesses by reason for capital expenditure. Businesses not permanently stopped trading expecting to authorise capital expenditure over the next three months, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 111.

A bar chart showing that in Wave 111 the main reason for expected capital expenditure, in the next three months, was for replacements.

Source: BICS Weighted Scotland Estimates - Wave 111 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 2 data see table ‘CapExpWhatFor’.


For any feedback on, or enquiries about, this publication please contact:

Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser



For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician


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