BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 121
Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 121
In Wave 121 (18 November to 1 December 2024), businesses were asked about the types of employees that have been difficult to recruit in October 2024 – the specific question asked is shown below.
Recruitment Difficulty Type question: Which of the following employees, if any, did your business have difficulties recruiting in October 2024?
- clerical employees
- professional or managerial employees
- semi-skilled or unskilled employees
- skilled, manual or technical employees
- other
- not sure
- business did not experience any difficulties in recruiting employees
Figure 1: An estimated 16.9% of businesses had difficulties recruiting ‘Skilled, manual or technical’ employees in October 2024, and 14.5% had difficulty recruiting 'Semi-skilled or unskilled' employees. However, 51.9% of businesses did not experience difficulties recruiting employees.
Estimated share of businesses by recruitment difficulty. Businesses not permanently stopped trading, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 121 – October 2024.
Source: BICS Weighted Scotland Estimates - Wave 121 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see table ‘RecruitDiffType’.
In Wave 121, businesses who experienced recruitement difficulties, were asked about the reasons for this.
Figure 2: The most common reason for recruitment difficulties in October 2024 was a lack of qualified applicants for the roles on offer. 48.6% of businesses with recruitment difficulties had this issue. The next most common reason was that there was a low number of applicants for the roles on offer (37.5%).
Estimated share of businesses by reason for recruitment difficulty. Businesses not permanently stopped trading and exerpienced recruitment difficulties, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 121 – October 2024.
Source: BICS Weighted Scotland Estimates - Wave 121 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 2 data see table ‘RecruitYDiff’.
For enquiries about this publication please contact:
Marina Curran
Business & Innovation Statistics
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician
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