BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 123

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 123

Climate Change

In the period 16 December to 29 December 2024, businesses not permanently stopped trading were asked if they had taken any actions to reduce their business’s carbon emissions.

Figure 1: In December 2024, the most common actions businesses had taken to reduce their carbon emissions were switching to LED bulbs (47.5%) and adjusting heating and cooling systems (40.2%).

Estimated share of businesses by actions taken to reduce carbon emissions. Businesses not permanently stopped trading, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Wave 123.

A bar chart showing that, in December 2024, the most common actions businesses had taken to reduce their carbon emissions were switching to LED bulbs (47.5%) and adjusting heating and cooling systems (40.2%).

Source: BICS weighted Scotland estimates - data to Wave 123 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see table ‘ReduceCarbonEmissions’.

Almost three quarters of businesses (72.9%) had taken some action to reduce their carbon emissions, rising to 91.6% for businesses in the Construction sector.

Businesses were also asked whether they were very concerned, somewhat concerned, not concerned or not sure about the impact of climate change on their business.

Figure 2: In December 2024 an estimated 41.2% of businesses were very or somewhat concerned about the impact of climate change on their business, the lowest percentage concerned since the question was introduced in September 2022. An estimated 43.2% were not concerned, the highest share since September 2022.

Estimated share of businesses by whether concerned about impact on business of climate change. Businesses not permanently stopped trading, with 10+ employees and a presence in Scotland. Applicable waves 66 to 123.

A line chart showing that in December 2024, 41.2% of businesses were very or somewhat concerned about the impact of climate change on their business, the lowest share since the question was introduced in September 2022. The share of businesses not concerned has increased to 43.2%, the highest since September 2022.

Source: BICS weighted Scotland estimates - data to Wave 123 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 2 data see table ‘ClimateChangeConcerned’.

Large businesses (250 or more employees) were more likely to be concerned about the impact of climate change on their business than small to medium-sized businesses (10 to 249 employees). An estimated 58.6% of large businesses were very or somewhat concerned, compared to 39.3% of small to medium-sized businesses.


For enquiries about this publication please contact:
Marina Curran
Business & Innovation Statistics
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician

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