BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 70

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 70.

Exporting and Importing Challenges

The BICS asks businesses that are currently trading about how current conditions, including the end of the EU transition period, have impacted on their exporting and importing – the specific questions asked are shown below.

Question: How did your business's exporting compare with this calendar month last year?

  • exported/imported more
  • exporting/importing stayed the same
  • exported/imported less
  • business was unable to export / import
  • not sure

Figure 3: Of businesses currently trading that have exported/imported in the last 12 months, 15.9% reported exporting less in October 2022 compared to October 2021, and 20.6% reported exporting more.

A bar chart showing that of businesses currently trading that have exported/imported in the last 12 months, 15.9% reported exporting less in October 2022 compared to October 2021, and 20.6% reported exporting more.

Source: Office for National Statistics – BICS – Weighted Scotland Estimates – Wave 70

Currently trading businesses that have exported or imported in the last 12 months, and reported on how exporting compared to the previous year were asked if they had experienced an increase in exporting/importing challenges over the last month.

Figure 4: The challenges that were most commonly reported to have increased in Wave 70 were changes in transportation costs, change in exchange rates and additional paperwork – this was the case for both exporting and importing. However, an estimated 43.4% of exporters and 32.6% of importers reported that they did not experience an increase in exporting/importing challenges in October 2022 compared with September 2022.

A bar chart showing the challenges that were most commonly reported to have increased in Wave 70 were changes in transportation costs, change in exchange rates and additional paperwork – this was the case for both exporting and importing.

Source: Office for National Statistics – BICS – Weighted Scotland Estimates – Wave 70

Businesses that reported challenges to exporting/importing were asked about the main cause of these exporting/importing challenges.

Figure 5: In Wave 70, 37.1% of businesses reported that the end of the EU transition period was the main cause of their exporting challenges.  This was also the most frequently reported cause of importing challenges (52.1%). The end of the EU transition period combined with the COVID-19 pandemic was reported as the main cause of challenges for a further 28.9% of exporters and 21.8% of importers.  

A bar chart showing that in Wave 70, the end of the EU transition period was the main cause of both exporting and importing challenges.

Source: Office for National Statistics – BICS – Weighted Scotland Estimates – Wave 70


For enquiries about this publication please contact:

Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

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Office of the Chief Statistician

Telephone: 0131 244 0442


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