Biodiversity strategy and delivery plan: governance, monitoring and evaluation
Sets out our approach to governance, monitoring and evaluation for Scotland's strategic framework for biodiversity, which includes the biodiversity strategy to 2045, delivery plan and statutory nature restoration targets.
Governance systems provide a framework for managing projects, programmes and organisations, with terms of reference which identify the holders of various roles including decision makers and those who are accountable for performance.
Organisations that have good governance use clear decision-making processes, behave openly by reporting on their activities, actively engage with their stakeholders, effectively manage the risks they face, and take responsibility for controlling and protecting their assets, including their reputation. Each of these areas of governance activity contributes to an organisation’s success.
A three tiered governance structure to oversee the successful delivery of the biodiversity strategy and delivery plan is set out as follows:
Cabinet Sub-Committee on the Climate Emergency
The Cabinet Sub-Committee on the Climate Emergency will maintain Cabinet-level oversight of the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy with a view to maintaining political engagement / awareness and buy-in and a formal remit to reach cross-cutting decisions on the basis of advice from the relevant Ministers.
National Biodiversity Forum
National Biodiversity Forum will maintain focus on achieving the Scottish Biodiversity Strategic Outcomes, our international commitments and progress towards statutory targets. Meeting twice a year it will be a high level representative advisory body chaired by the Minister/Cab Sec and comprises a wide range of strategic leaders who can help influence positive outcomes for biodiversity. Working groups or task and finish groups will be formed to support specific projects as required.
Biodiversity Portfolio Board
The Biodiversity Portfolio Board will be responsible for overseeing the successful delivery of the wide range of government and public sector actions included in the biodiversity delivery plan. The group will be co-chaired by Director EnFor and CEO NatureScot and will include senior leads of relevant government and public agencies responsible for driving action.
Two separate programme boards overseeing marine and terrestrial projects will be established to oversee progress on key actions included in the delivery plan.
![Diagram showing governance structure for biodiversity framework with projects overseen by programme boards, overseen by the biodiversity portfolio board and national biodiversity forum, overseen by the cabinet sub-committee on climate emergency.](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/strategy-plan/2024/11/biodiversity-strategy-delivery-plan-sbs-governance-monitoring-evaluation/SCT03248459586_g02.png)
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