
Bioenergy: update - March 2021

Considers the potential role for bioenergy to support our net zero greenhouse emissions targets and outlines how we intend to move forward over the next 18 to 24 months to understand the most appropriate and sustainable use of bioenergy resources in Scotland.

7. Next Steps and Timeline

Working Groups

To help inform our policy development, and the publication of a Bioenergy Action Plan for Scotland, over the next 18-24 months we will:

  • Establish a Scottish Government working group comprised of all relevant policy areas. This group will develop a strategic framework (guiding principles) for bioenergy and its role in the net zero transition.

This working group will be guided by an Expert Panel, to be established during 2021, which will include a wide range of interested and expertise parties, including NGOs and pressure groups as well as sectoral representatives in order to capture a comprehensive range of perspectives and take a whole system view.

The work of these groups will report regularly to the senior level Scottish Government group that oversees the governance and delivery of the Climate Change Plan, to ensure all areas of work inform one another and the roles and linkage are clear. In addition, we will seek to establish links with other related work and stakeholder partnerships as required.


The focus in the early stages will be on evidence and knowledge gathering. The key workstreams that the group will investigate and review are outlined in the previous section and fall into the broad categories:

  • Biomass availability
  • Competing Demands
  • Environmental and Sustainability issues
  • Technology Readiness
  • Reserved/Devolved areas


A provisional timeline is set out below, it will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Diagram 5. Bioenergy Policy Timeline

Throughout 2021 we will establish a Scottish Government working group and a Bioenergy expert panel. UK Government expect to publish their Biomass Strategy in 2022. We will publish a Bioenergy Action Plan in 2023.



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