
Biomass action plan for Scotland

Biomass action plan for Scotland.



2.1 This document sets out the Scottish Executive's Biomass Action Plan for Scotland. The aim of the Plan is to ensure that Scotland's biomass resource is properly supported and exploited, and that it delivers additional economic benefits whilst making a contribution to the ambitious targets for emissions reduction set out in "Changing Our Ways" - Scotland's Climate Change Programme. This Plan, for the first time, sets out a programme for the coordinated development of the biomass sector in Scotland.

2.2 Key aims are:

  • to provide a summary of the wide range of existing activities, actions and initiatives;
  • to provide a focus for a strategic coordinated approach to developing biomass for energy production across the heat, electricity and transport sectors;
  • to identify roles and responsibilities for government, industry and public stakeholders to develop a vibrant bioenergy industry in Scotland; and
  • to identify future actions and gaps.

2.1 The Biomass Action Plan for Scotland has been informed by a number of initiatives at an international and national level including:

  • the EU Biomass Action plan;
  • a number of recent reports into the sector, in particular:
  • Promoting and Accelerating the Market Penetration of Biomass Technology in Scotland (Scottish Executive, 2005);
  • "Changing Our Ways" - Scotland's Climate Change Programme (Scottish Executive, 2006);
  • The Scottish Forestry Strategy (Scottish Executive, 2006);
  • Woodfuel for Warmth
    (Sustainable Development Commission Scotland, 2005);
  • Environment & Rural Development Committee Inquiry Report into Biomass (March 2006);

discussions with a wide range of interested groups and key stakeholders both internal and external to the Executive.


2.1 The Biomass Action Plan for Scotland reflects the key themes captured in the EU Biomass Action Plan, whilst recognising Scotland's unique circumstances. The Plan will consider current and future demands on biomass for heat electricity and biofuel production in a new expanding marketplace. The main sections of the Plan will consider each of these key areas in more detail:

  • wider context
  • biomass heating
  • electricity from biomass
  • transport biofuels
  • biomass supply
  • environmental impact
  • conclusions

2.1 There are some overlaps across the different sections, this is unavoidable and is a reflection of the various uses to which biomass can be put. A framework outlining all the actions is at Annex A.


For the purposes of this report the following definitions are used:

  • Biomass - material from forestry, energy crops (such as short rotation coppice and miscanthus) or agricultural plant and animal waste
  • Biofuels - any fuel derived from biomass, such as ethanol, biodiesel or methanol
  • Bioenergy - energy for heat, electricity or transport generated from renewable biomass
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