Draft: Birthplace Decisions, Information for pregnant women and partners on planning where to give birth

This is a draft document, which we are currently seeking your views on.


Further information and resources

This guide is intended to help you think about where to give birth. It may have raised new questions for you; please talk to your midwife or obstetrician about these. Below are some additional resources which you may also find useful.

NHS Inform Ready Steady Baby https://www.nhsinform.scot/ready-steady-baby

Your guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks.

National Childbirth Trust www.nct.org.uk

Find out about antenatal classes and about ‘the first 1000 days’ of parenthood.

Birthrights www.birthrights.org.uk

An organisation which campaigns to support human rights during birth.

If you don’t feel they have been listened to, or you haven’t had a chance to talk about where to give birth, try talking to your midwife first. If you still have questions, ask to speak to a consultant midwife or consultant obstetrician, a Supervisor of Midwives or to the Head of Midwifery at your NHS Board.

Young Patients Family Fund: If you are the parent/primary carer of a hospital inpatient under the age of 18 then you could be entitled to help to cover the cost of hospital visits. https:// www.mygov.scot/young-patients-family-fund

Maternity Voices Partnerships act as a voice for the people who use maternity services. Speak to your midwife to find out if your local area has one.


This booklet uses findings from the ‘Birthplace in England’ programme of research. More information including published papers and summaries of findings can be found at: www.npeu.ox.ac.uk/birthplace

The booklet also contains advice found in the revised NICE guideline: Intrapartum Care: Care of healthy women and their babies during childbirth Clinical Guideline 190 NICE December 2014. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng235


This guide was co-produced by the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland and is based on information produced by Kirstie Coxon, King’s College London.

Woman’s Health Plan

Women’s health plan – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


Email: thebeststart@gov.scot

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