
A Blue Economy Vision for Scotland

Sets out our long-term ambition for Scotland’s blue economy to 2045. It demonstrates how much we value our marine environment and its significance. This is captured in six outcomes sitting across a range of environmental, social and economic ambitions.

6. The Six Outcomes

The six blue economy outcomes have been identified to respond to major challenges of our time, such as the climate and nature crises, just transition to zero, a blue recovery from Covid-19 and EU withdrawal. They frame a direction of travel and provide focal points for our long term blue economy aspirations.

By setting out these long term outcomes to 2045, we hope this will support collaborative and co-productive actions with stakeholders to deliver the next phase of this work, the blue economy action plan. We will use the Scottish Government principles for business engagement to guide our engagement principles (see operationalising the blue economy vision).

Figure 5 Contribution of the Blue Economy vision and outcomes to National Performance Framework Outcomes and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Centre: Blue Economy Vision; Inner ring: Blue Economy Outcomes; Middle ring: National outcomes in the National Performance Framework; Outer ring; UN Sustainable Development Goals.

1. One Ocean One Earth, One Home, One Shared Future

Vision By 2045 Scotland’s shared stewardship of our marine environment supports ecosystem health, improved livelihoods, economic prosperity, social inclusion and wellbeing.

2. Environment

3. Scotland’s marine ecosystems are healthy and functioning, with nature protected and activities managed using an ecosystem-based approach to ensure negative impacts on marine ecosystems are minimised and, where possible, reversed.

4. Scotland’s blue economy is resilient to climate change, contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation, with marine sectors decarbonised, resource efficient and supporting Scotland’s Net Zero and Nature Positive commitments.

5. Social

6. Thriving, resilient, regenerated, healthy communities have more equal access to the benefits that ocean resources provide.

7. Scotland is an ocean literate and aware nation.

8. Economic

9. Established and emerging marine sectors are innovative, entrepreneurial, productive and internationally competitive.

10. Scotland is a global leader in healthy, quality, sustainably harvested and farmed Blue Foods, for our own population and beyond.


National Outcomes in the National Performance Framework:

Economy: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive, and sustainable economy

International: We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally

Poverty: We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth, and power more equally

Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe

Children & young people: We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential

Education: We are well-educated, skilled, and able to contribute to society

Fair work & business: We have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone

Health: We are healthy and active

Environment: We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment

Culture: We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely

Human rights: We respect, protect, and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination

UN Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty

2. Zero Hunger

3. Good Health and Well-being

4. Quality Education

5. Gender Equality

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10. Reduced Inequalities

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

14. Life Below Water

15. Life On Land

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17. Partnerships for the Goals

The Six Blue Economy Outcomes Expanded:

Environment Focused Outcomes

Scotland’s marine ecosystems are healthy and functioning, with nature protected and activities managed using an ecosystem-based approach to ensure negative impacts on marine ecosystems are minimised and, where possible, reversed. (Natural Capital outcome)

The marine environment is clean, healthy, productive, adapted and resilient to climate change, and safeguarded for present and future generations, maximising the resources and services nature can provide. Pressures on habitats and marine nature are managed using an ecosystem-based approach to minimise negative impacts and, where possible, reverse historic impacts. New decision making tools are available to measure the social and economic value of marine natural capital.

Scotland’s blue economy is resilient to climate change, contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation, with marine sectors decarbonised, resource efficient and supporting Scotland’s Net Zero and Nature Positive commitments. (Net Zero/Climate Change outcome)

Marine sectors and their supply chains are decarbonised using energy efficient fuels and processes, and apply circular economy principles to minimise waste. Scotland’s offshore wind and marine renewables sectors provide low carbon, clean power to Scotland and beyond, making a significant contribution to maintaining atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases within the Earth’s safe limits to tackle the climate emergency. We continue to build our understanding of the climate impacts on Scotland’s blue ecosystems and their role to adaptation. Blue carbon cycles and stocks are understood, and where appropriate protected/restored to support climate mitigation and adaptation. Carbon capture and storage is being sustainably implemented.

Economic Focused Outcomes

Established and emerging marine sectors are innovative, entrepreneurial, productive and internationally competitive. (Economic & trade outcome)

The success of Scotland‘s marine sectors is recognised as being embedded in nature, and reliant on the goods and services provided by nature to deliver economic and social value. Sectors invest in inclusive and sustainable economic development, supported by a skilled workforce that is demonstrating inclusive, diverse, and fair participation in the labour market. Sectors are underpinned by a secure skills base and are investing in the Scottish supply chain and wider community benefits. A diverse range of metrics for measuring economic performance are being utilised to inform decision making.

Scotland is a global leader in healthy, quality, sustainably harvested and farmed Blue Foods, for our own population and beyond (Food Security, Nutrition and Health outcome).

The global reputation and success of Scotland’s Blue Foods as nutritious, sustainable products is enhanced with investment in ports, harbours and trade routes. Scotland is at the forefront of growing, harvesting and farming Blue Foods. As a Good Food Nation, people in Scotland enjoy the dietary benefits of Blue Foods and contribute to lower food miles. The economic and social benefit from these natural assets is shared in Scotland through a supported, prosperous, and decarbonised supply chain.

Social Focused Outcomes

Thriving, resilient, regenerated, healthy communities have more equal access to the benefits that ocean resources provide. (Social inclusion/ equalities outcome)

Communities benefit from inclusive, fair, high-quality, and skilled blue jobs in Scotland’s marine sectors. Those from areas of industrial decline or under-represented groups in the marine workforce are not discriminated against, including those with protected characteristics. Everyone can fairly access training and employment opportunities for Blue Jobs, and equal access to employment opportunities and fair work helps to support poverty reduction and wider community benefits. The physical health, mental health and wellbeing benefits from ocean, sea, coastal and inter-linked freshwater resources are being equitably accessed and enjoyed.

Scotland is an ocean literate and aware nation (Social outcome)

People living and working in Scotland have access to knowledge and learning about the ocean, its benefits and its role in tackling the climate and nature crises. People value and respect Scotland’s seas and they feel part of a coastal nation, with a long and proud heritage and culture, and a vibrant future. People understand the many and varied job opportunities within marine and maritime sectors. They are inspired to pursue marine careers, and have lifetime access to learning new marine skills, upskilling and retraining. People can make informed choices to support the sustainable use of marine resources and have access to opportunities to engage in activities supporting the blue economy. People are empowered to participate in governance and decision making forums about Scotland’s seas.



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