A blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare (ELC) in Scotland - ELC expansion planning guidance for local authorities

Framework to support local authorities in developing plans for the expansion of early learning and childcare to 1,140 hours by 2020.

Appendix: Table of additional detail relating specifcially to implementation plan





Implementation Planning - a series of individual plan elements

1. Quality Plan

  • Specify the basis upon which day-to-day operational quality will be maintained and enhanced per setting during the period of expansion.
  • Specify the basis upon which Quality will be continually improved over time.

Quality provision must be maintained during the period of change.

2. Phasing across local geography

Specify the basis of upon which expanded provision will be rolled out across the geography. Options might include neighbourhood by neighbourhood, school area by school area, with reference to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.

1140 implementation in individual settings can begin as capacity becomes available and be phased through to 2020.

3. Community Engagement Plan

Specify the nature of the on-going engagement with local communities that supports the community to understand the changing nature of supply and the full extent to which supply is capable of adapting to their (family and community) needs.

Families and communities do not change in a uniform way, especially in a time of change over a comparatively short period. It can be expected therefore that there will be an element of 'demand lag' for the new offering that can be understood and managed via community engagement.

4. Workforce Plan

Specify the workforce plan through the period of prioritisation including consultation with existing workforce and phasing of uptake of any additional workforce.

Areas to address expected to include:

leadership planning, consultation planning, industrial relations, recruitment plan.

5. Funded Providers

Specify the nature of future relationship with funded providers including the price paid, volume and quality requirements.

This should include consideration of the implications of Living Wage and note future development of national funded provider and quality standards.

6. Infrastructure (Physical Estate) Plan

Specify the extent of refurbishment to the existing estate and the new build requirement.

7. Financial Projections (spend profile)

Specify the phased cost profile for both revenue and capital over the expansion period. Include anticipated top up revenue where appropriate.

Include reporting on 2017-18 funding allocation.

8. Financial Assumptions to support projections

List the financial assumptions made to support financial projections.

9. 2017-18 expansion activity, including planned use of revenue and capital funding allocations

10. Project Management, Stakeholder Management and Change Support.

Specify what project management support will be made available to the change effort, include an assessment of risk and dependencies in change.


Email: Alison Cumming

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