
Expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland: Quality Action Plan

A Quality Action Plan to underpin the expansion of early learning and childcare (ELC) in Scotland to 1140 hours per year by 2020.

Annex A: Membership Of The Elc Quality Reference Group

Chair: Liz Levy, SG ELC policy unit – Quality

Secretariat: Kate Smith, SG ELC policy unit – Quality


Lesley Gibb, ADES Janice Collins, ADES Frances Rodman, ADES

Cath Agnew, Care Inspectorate Thirza Wilson, Care Inspectorate Sian Neil, Education Scotland

Irene Audain, Scottish Out of School Care Network Jean Carwood Edwards, Early Years Scotland Laura Caven, COSLA

Louise Gaddi, SQA

Jaci Douglas, Care and Learning Alliance

Jane Malcolm, National Day Nurseries Association Alison Precup, Scottish Social Services Council Ann McSorley, Scottish Social Services Council Anne Tavendale, Scottish Social Services Council Clare Simpson, Parenting Across Scotland

Maggie Simpson, Scottish Childminding Association Christine Stephen, University of Stirling

Aline Wendy Dunlop, University of Strathclyde Dorothy Johnson, University of the West of Scotland

Ruth Deplacido, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists Vicky Crichton, Save the Children

Rachel Cowper, Inspiring Scotland

Sybil Laing, College Development Network Kerry McKenzie, NHS Health Scotland Jackie Brock, Children in Scotland

Scottish Government

Sharon Glen, Children and Families Analysis

Wendy Van Der Neut, Children and Families Analysis Heather Douglas, Secondee to ELC trials team

Aileen McLean, Secondee to ELC trials team Emily McLean, Supporting Learners team Ruth Christie, Rights/Participation team

Ewan Mackenzie, Scottish Attainment Challenge Katy Hindmarsh, Curriculum for Excellence

Jeff Maguire, SG ELC policy unit – Quality Craig Flunkert, Parental Engagement


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