
A Blueprint for Fairness: Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access

A Blueprint for Fairness presents a system wide plan to achieve equal access to higher education.

Annex C


Kenny Anderson ( SWAP West)
Marie Anderson (Glasgow Clyde College)
Robin Ashton (Glasgow Kelvin College)
Lisa Barnes (Head of Mayfield Nursery School, Midlothian)
David Belsey ( EIS- FELA)
Dr John Blicharski (University of Dundee)
Dr Vikki Bolivar (Durham University)
Paul Bradshaw (University of Edinburgh)
Alison Browitt (University of Glasgow)
Paul Brown (University of St Andrews)
Dr Thomas Brown (University of St Andrews)
Kevin Browne (Who Cares? Scotland)
Jane Brumpton (Deputy CEO, Early Years Scotland)
Annette Bruton (Principal, Edinburgh College)
Dr Martha Caddell (The Open University in Scotland)
Ashley Cameron (Care Experienced Young Person)
Dr Colin Campbell (University of Stirling)
Jenny Carey (University of Strathclyde)
Katrina Castle (Edinburgh Napier University)
Julie Cavanagh ( SCQF Partnership)
Jorge Chacon-Clark (FOCUS West)
Conner Chalmers (Care Experienced Young Person)
Dr Douglas Chalmers ( UCU Scotland)
Sandra Cheyne (Skills Development Scotland)
Kitty Chilcott ( YASS, The Open University in Scotland)
Ali Clark (University of Dundee)
Dr Shane Collins (University of Dundee)
Dr Kirsty Conlon (Universities Scotland)
Dr Graham Connelly ( CELCIS, University of Strathclyde)
Shona Cormack (Vice Principal, Robert Gordon University)
Professor Frank Coton (Vice Principal, University of Glasgow)
Davina Coupar (West College Scotland)
Miriam Craven (Student Awards Agency for Scotland)
Dr Neil Croll (University of Glasgow)
Ailsa Crum (Quality Assurance Agency)
Donna Cunningham ( MCR Pathways)
Patricia Currie (Glasgow Kelvin College)
Jamie Dalgoutte (Care Experienced Young Person)
Eve Daniell (Reach pupil, Blairgowrie High School, Perth & Kinross)
John Davidson (Vice Principal, North East Scotland College)
Kate Davidson ( UCAS)
Fiona Dear (Reach)
Taylor Dewar ( ACES pupil, Buckhaven High School, Fife)
Professor Sir Ian Diamond (Principal, University of Aberdeen)
Vincent Docherty (Aberdeenshire Council)
Bob Doris MSP
Professor Sir Pete Downes (Convenor, Universities Scotland & Principal, University of Dundee)
Brendan Duffy (Primary Head Teacher, St Mary's primary and nursery, Coatbridge)
Lesley Dunbar ( SWAP East)
Heather Dunk (Principal, Ayrshire College)
Emeritus Professor Aline-Wendy Dunlop (University of Strathclyde)
Sheila Dunn ( SCQF Partnership)
James Dunphy (Robert Gordon University)
Jamie Eason (University of Dundee)
Professor Les Ebdon (Office for Fair Access)
Naomi Eisenstadt (Scottish Government's Independent Adviser on Poverty and Inequality)
Iain Ellis (Chair, National Parents Forum for Scotland)
Liz Ervine (Former head teacher)
Leslie Evans (Scottish Government)
Colin Ferguson (Durham University)
Kenneth Ferguson (Robertson Trust)
Pamela Forbes (University of St Andrews)
Robert Foster (Who Cares? Scotland)
Eric Fraser (Veterans Commissioner)
Dr Gemma Gaw (Reach)
Catherine Garvie (Scottish Union Learning)
Rebecca Gaukroger (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Pamela Gillies (Principal, Glasgow Caledonian University)
Helen Gray (Head Teacher, Menzieshill High School, Dundee)
Iain Gray MSP
Shelagh Green (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Vicky Gunn (Glasgow School of Art)
Anne Haggart (Aspire North)
Hugh Hall (University of Strathclyde)
Douglas Hamilton ( RS MacDonald Trust)
Erin Hardee (University of Dundee)
Helen Hardman ( ACES)
Dr Ray Harris (Chair, Quality Committee & non-executive Director SCQF Partnership)
Professor John Harper (Deputy Principal, Robert Gordon University)
Neil Hendry (Head Teacher, Northfield Academy, Aberdeen)
Kathleen Hood (University of Edinburgh)
Murray Hope (Higher Education Academy)
Laurence Howells (Chief Executive, Scottish Funding Council)
Steve Hughes (University of Dundee)
Lucy Hunter Blackburn (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Cristina Iannelli (University of Edinburgh)
Dr Jane Illes (University of Dundee)
Alan Inglis (Vice Principal (Learning and Teaching) Glasgow Kelvin College)
Lesley Jackson (Edinburgh Napier University)
Naomi Jeffrey (University of Dundee)
Dorothy Johnson (University of West of Scotland)
Irene Johnson (Head Teacher, Thornton Primary School, Fife)
Mike Johnson (University of St Andrews)
Paul Johnston (Director General, Scottish Government)
John Kelly ( EIS- FELA)
Sharon Kelly (Skills Development Scotland)
Professor Lindsey Kent (Chair, Scottish Medical Schools Admissions Group)
Albert King (Scottish Government)
Professor Maggie Kinloch (Chair, SFC Access and Inclusion Committee & Deputy Principal, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland)
Ian Lamond (Care Experienced Young Person)
Professor Crichton Lang (Deputy Principal, University of the Highlands and Islands)
Dr Laurence Lasselle (University of St. Andrews)
Dr June Leishman (Abertay University)
Ged Lerpiniere ( LEAPs)
Professor Karl Leydecker (Vice Principal (Learning and Teaching) University of Dundee)
Willie Mackie (Chair, Ayrshire College)
Alison MacLean (UNITE)
Lucy Macleod (The Open University in Scotland)
Dr Christine Macpherson (Quality Assurance Agency)
Kenny MacPherson (Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care, Springburn Academy)
Dr Iain MacRitchie ( MCR Pathways)
Callum Maguire (Queen Margaret University)
Maureen Mallon (Education Scotland)
Joanne Martin (Medical student)
Liam McArthur MSP
Maria Mccrea (The Open University in Scotland)
Ray McCowan (Vice Principal, Edinburgh College)
Caroline McDonagh (Guidance Teacher, Menzieshill High School, Dundee)
James McDonagh (Principal Student, University of Dundee & DUAL Summer School alumni)
Catriona McDonald (University of Aberdeen)
Professor Sir Jim McDonald (Principal, University of Strathclyde)
Professor Peter McGeorge (Vice Principal, University of Aberdeen)
Laura McIntyre (City of Edinburgh Council)
Aileen McKechnie (Scottish Government)
r Stephanie Mckendry (University of Strathclyde)
Kenny McKeown (Dundee City Council)
Gerard McKernan (Glasgow City Council)
Stewart McKinlay (University of Strathclyde)
Linda McLeod (Scottish Funding Council)
Shona Mellin (Teacher, Menzieshill High School, Dundee)
Sarah Minty (University of Edinburgh)
Mhairi Moore (School Leaders Scotland)
Sarah Morrison (Lift Off)
Claire Motion (PhD student, University of St Andrews)
Dr Anne Mullen (Vice Principal, University of St Andrews)
Linda Murdoch (University of Glasgow)
Jan Murphy (Reach and ACES)
Maggie Murphy (Glasgow Kelvin College)
Carol Murray (City of Glasgow College)
Gillian Myers (National Parents Forum for Scotland)
Elsbeth Neil (Aspire North)
Professor Tim Newman (Vice Principal,University of Dundee)
James Nicholson (Abertay University)
Professor Andrea Nolan (Principal, Edinburgh Napier University)
Anne O'Grady (Head Teacher, Chesters Nursery School, Glasgow)
Dr Veena O'Halloran (University of Strathclyde)
Professor Sir Timothy O'Shea (Principal, University of Edinburgh)
Clare Owen (Medical Schools Council)
Lewis Paterson (Acting Principal, Wester Hailes Education Centre, Edinburgh)
Professor Lindsay Paterson (University of Edinburgh)
Walter Patterson (Colleges Scotland)
Dr Karen Petrie (University of Dundee)
Emma Phillips ( UNISON)
Aileen Ponton (Chief Executive, SCQF Partnership)
Anita Popplestone (Scottish Veterans Commissioner's office)
Molly Porteous (Pupil, Menzieshill High School, Dundee)
Pupils of Cumnock Academy, East Ayrshire
Pupils of Grange Academy, Kilmarnock
Pupils of Northfield Academy, Aberdeen
Pupils of Menzieshill High School, Dundee
John Rafferty (Glasgow Clyde College)
Wesley Rennison (University of Dundee)
Professor Louise Richardson (Principal, University of St Andrews)
Professor Sheila Riddell (University of Edinburgh)
Steve Riddell (Scottish Funding Council)
Elaine Roberts (Dundee Academy of Sport)
Dr Bernadette Sanderson (FOCUS West)
Mary Senior ( UCU Scotland)
Alicia Santana (Care Experienced Young Person)
Nadia Scally ( MSYP and Member of Carers Trust Scotland)
Mary Scanlon MSP
Bill Scott-Watson (Scottish Government)
Dan Shaffer (Supporting Professionalism in Admissions)
Professor Jeffrey Sharkey (Principal, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland)
Alan Sherry (Principal, Glasgow Kelvin College)
Kate Signorini (The Open University in Scotland)
Alastair Sim (Universities Scotland)
Gillian Simmons (University of Edinburgh)
Elaine Sinclair (Robert Gordon University)
Martin Smith (Scottish Funding Council)
Professor Nicola Stanley-Wall (University of Dundee)
Dr Christine Stephen (University of Stirling)
Kenny Stewart (The Open University in Scotland)
Susan Stewart (Director, The Open University in Scotland)
Taylor Stewart (Skills Development Scotland)
Tracey Stewart (Dundee City Council)
Shona Struthers (Chief Executive, Colleges Scotland)
Students of Ayrshire College
Kirsty Summers (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
Pauline Sutton ( SCQF Partnership)
Kirsten Swankie (University of Dundee)
Gemma Taylor (Student, University of Dundee & DUAL Summer School alumni)
Margaret Tierney (Scottish Qualifications Authority)
Vicky Torrance (University of St Andrews)
Professor Graham Turnbull (University of St Andrews)
Chris Vannart (Student, University of Dundee & former Reach pupil)
Phillip Vaughan (University of Dundee)
Thomas Veit (University of Dundee)
Lorraine Waddell (Depute Head teacher, Menzieshill High School, Dundee)
Doreen Watson (Care Inspectorate)
Laura Watson (University of St. Andrews)
Professor Ruth Whittaker (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Philip Whyte (National Union of Students)
Grant Whytock (Head Teacher, Buckhaven High School, Fife)
Mark Wild (Universities Scotland)
Eleanor Wilson (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Dr Mary Wingrave (University of Glasgow)
Sir Ian Wood (The Wood Group)
Lee Worden (Durham University)
Peter Wright (Fife Education Authority)
Andy Youell (Higher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme)
Shilla Zwizwai (Who Cares? Scotland)


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