
Sustainable and integrated farming and crofting activity in the hills and uplands of Scotland: blueprint - report

Report from the Hill, Upland and Crofting Climate Change Group, one of the farmer-led groups established to develop advice and proposals for the Scottish Government. It focusses on how to cut emissions and tackle climate change, something that was re-emphasised in the updated Climate Change Plan.

10. Closing comments

This report provides a set of initial recommendations that have been prepared by the Hill, Upland and Crofting Group following ten weeks of detailed discussions and presentations alongside an initial review of relevant scientific data and an evidence gathering exercise.

The group has worked to an extremely tight timescale during which it has had to review a wide range of land use related issues and opportunities within the context of hill and upland farming and crofting systems. The group has not been able to conduct a full and detailed review and this report therefore only captures the group's initial findings and recommendations.

Many members are now entering the busiest time of their year as the lambing season commences, and this offers an opportunity for Scottish Government to review and consider the initial findings that have been submitted by the HUCG.

The HUCG is however conscious that there is still some further work required in order to fulfil its original remit and is therefore keen to reconvene again after the lambing season and election period have come to an end.

The group believes that this continuation of its own work should form a part of a wider ongoing collaboration between Scottish Government and the industry by setting up a programme consisting of an implementation board which has representation from all sectors of agriculture and which receives sector-specific input from the various farmer-led groups which should sit out with the main board to provide the expertise and practical knowledge necessary to help design a meaningful and workable future agricultural support scheme.

The members of the HUCG represent an extremely diverse background and have actively engaged in trying to outline meaningful recommendations. They represent an industry that recognises the importance of producing sustainable, healthy and nutritious food from climate and environmentally friendly production systems whilst supporting rural communities and the wider industry.

Farmers and crofters across the hills and uplands of Scotland are willing to do their bit for the environment so that they can become part of the solution.



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