
On Board - A guide for Board Members of Public Bodies in Scotland (April 2015)

This Guide provides much of the basic information that a Board Member will need to understand their role as a member of the Board of a public body in Scotland.

Annual Report and Accounts

The accounting guidance issued to those bodies that are subject to reporting requirements set by the Scottish Ministers will set out the applicable accounting policies and principles and disclosure requirements.

Where the Scottish Government makes funds available to a sponsored body the Scottish Government will account to the Parliament for the provision of those funds in the Scottish Government's annual accounts. A sponsored body which is a separate accounting entity will account for the use of those funds (and of other funds in its stewardship) in its own annual accounts.

The Board is responsible for approving the body's annual accounts and ensuring that the Minister is provided with the annual report and accounts to be laid before the Scottish Parliament. The Chief Executive as the Accountable Officer of the public body is responsible for signing the accounts and ultimately responsible to the Scottish Parliament for their actions.

The accounting requirements for a public body will normally be set out in its founding legislation and/or its Framework Document.


Email: Gordon Quinn

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