
On Board - A guide for Board Members of Public Bodies in Scotland (April 2015)

This Guide provides much of the basic information that a Board Member will need to understand their role as a member of the Board of a public body in Scotland.

Code of Conduct for Board Members

Upon appointment to the Board, you should have been provided with a copy of your public body's Code of Conduct for Board Members, which forms part of your terms and conditions.

You must not at any time advocate or encourage any action contrary to the Code of Conduct. It is your personal responsibility to make sure that your actions comply with the provisions of the Code at all times as the Code contains the standards against which your conduct will be measured. You should review regularly, and at least annually, your personal circumstances against the requirements of the Code.

If you are uncertain about any aspect of the Code, you should seek advice from the Standards Officer in your public body. You may also choose to consult your own legal and financial advisers. The Standards Commission also provides advice and guidance on the Code.

The nine key principles of public life are mentioned earlier in this section. The Standards Commission guidance to devolved public bodies will provide you with more detailed information on these principles. The following paragraphs provide a brief snap-shot of information about parts of the Model Code of Conduct which Board members will require to give care and consideration to when undertaking their duties.


Email: Gordon Quinn

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