
On Board - A guide for Board Members of Public Bodies in Scotland (April 2015)

This Guide provides much of the basic information that a Board Member will need to understand their role as a member of the Board of a public body in Scotland.


The National Performance Framework and the Government's response to Christie describe 'what' we are trying to achieve, the 'Scottish Approach' describes 'how' it should be delivered; centering around three core elements of Participation and Co-production, Assets and Improvement, as summarised below.

The Scottish Approach

Area Chart

Participation and Co-production - enabling people to shape and co-design the services they use.

Assets-based - valuing the strengths of people and communities to build social capital and capacity, rather than focusing solely on perceived deficits.

Improvement Methodology:

Creating Conditions for Change

  • Setting out a compelling vision of the future to serve as a reference point as the change process moves forward;
  • Backed by a story which helps people to recognise where they have been and where they are going;
  • Identifying key actions towards realising the vision.

Making the Change

  • A clear framework for improvement;
  • A strategy to engage, empower and motivate the workforce and develop their skills;
  • An understanding of how the change will work locally, recognising communities and their assets are different;
  • Building the guiding coalitions, governance and data necessary to drive and sustain the change.

The approach seeks to safeguard essential services, preserve front-line jobs and secure higher quality services through, for example:

  • greater integration of health and social care
  • the move to single police, and fire and rescue services
  • the reform of post-16 education.


Email: Gordon Quinn

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