
Boarding ladder guidance

A guide for vessels using rope boarding ladders.

Master’s obligations

(as per Article 114 of Regulation (EU) 404/2011)

  1. Facilitate the safe and effective boarding of officials carrying out inspections
  2. Provide a boarding ladder which is clean, in good order and constructed as per Annex XXIX of Regulati on (EU) 404/2011
  3. Assist officials in performing their duties including alerting them to fishing vessel hazards
  4. Provide access to all areas of a fishing vessel, all catches, fishing gear and relevant documents
  5. Ensure the safe disembarkation of officials after completion of the inspection

Construction and use of boarding ladders

(as Annex XXIX of Regulation (EU) 404/2011)

10 steps to ensure compliance

  1. Positioned as far as possible midships of the vessel
  2. Lighting adequate if required, safety line and lifebuoy with light ready If required
  3. Clear of overboard discharges
  4. Side ropes should be uncovered and continuous and constructed of manila material or equivalent
  5. Ladder only required if climb is 1.5 meters or over
  6. Deployable on both sides of the vessel
  7. Battens or spreaders fitted to prevent ladder twisting
  8. Boarding and disembarkation of inspectors supervised by responsible officer
  9. Steps should be non-slip, remain horizontal and bottom four may be made of rubber
  10. Fit for purpose, clean and in good order

boarding ladder guidance diagram

Any reference to an EU Regulation is a reference to that Regulation as it forms part of United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of Section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 in accordance with Schedule 8 (1) of that Act

Boarding ladder guidance
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