
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) - phase 6 consultation: data protection impact assessment

Data protection impact assessment for the consultation on phase 6 of Scotland's Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) Eradication Scheme.

7. UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) principles


7.1 Principle 1 – fair and lawful (see 4.1), and transparent

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

The lawful basis for processing personal data is

public task.


7.2 Principle 2 – purpose limitation

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

The data will be collected for specific purposes and will not be processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes. The purpose is clearly explained to respondents prior to responding.


7.3 Principle 3 – adequacy, relevance and data minimisation

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

The consultation will not gather information that is not necessary to achieve the project’s objectives. Participants are able to input as much information as they would like to open questions, and are able to skip open questions.


7.4 Principle 4 – accurate, kept up to date, deletion

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

The data from the consultation does not need to be kept up to date as it represents the participants’ views and circumstances at the point of collection. (See Principle 5 for deletion).


7.5 Principle 5 – kept for no longer than necessary, anonymization

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

Review measures will be in place to ensure that the data will be kept for no longer than is necessary. Reviews will take place annually, with data destroyed when its retention is no longer required.


7.6 UK GDPR Articles 12-22 – data subject rights

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

Data subject rights are outlined in the standard privacy policy linked to from the consultation document.


7.7 Principle 6 - security

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

Data will be protected from loss or unlawful processing using appropriate methods, including storing electronic data on password protected secure servers.


7.8 UK GDPR Article 44 - Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area.

Compliant – Yes/No


Description of how you have complied

The data gathered is only expected to be transferred within the United Kingdom. The UK is not within the European Economic Area, however the data will not be transferred onward outwith the UK.



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