
Scottish Energy Performance Certificates - new metrics: research

Research report summarising work to develop new EPC metrics for Scottish EPCs. This report accompanies the Energy Performance Certificate reform consultation.

Appendix A – Graphs and tables for alternative UE/m² metric

The following graphs and tables are equivalent to the ones shown in the body of this document, but use the alternative definition of UE/m² (with hot water energy excluded) – denoted ‘Alt UE/m²’.

Graph A1 – Relationship between Alt UE/m² and the existing EPC rating
relationship between UE per meter square and current EPC rating. This shows a weak relationship up to EPC rating 50. From rating 50 to 80 there is a strong relationship; as EPC rating increases, UE decreases.
Table A1 - Existing EPC banding and Alt UE/m² equivalents
Equivalent to current SAP rating
Reference point SAP rating Alt UE/m² (fit)
Threshold of band C 69 120
Mid-point of band C 74.5 90
Top of band C 80 71
Threshold of band B 81 71
Mid-point of band B 86 71
Top of band B 91 71
Current average 59 174
Current median 64 147
Graph A2 – Existing distribution of Alt UE/m² in the Scottish housing stock
distribution of UE per meter square values. This shows few values below 50, a spike of 1000 occurrences around 125, with a long tail to 350.
Table A2 – Alt UE/m² at percentile
Alt UE/m² at percentile
0.5% 60
2.5% 75
5.0% 82
25.0% 106
50.0% 129
75.0% 167
95.0% 259
97.5% 301
99.5% 396
Table A3 – Alt UE/m² key statistics
Key stats – Alt UE/m²
Average 145
Median 129
50% are between 106 and 167
90% are between 82 and 259
95% are between 75 and 301
99% are between 60 and 396
Table A4 – Impact on metrics of cumulatively added improvement measures for entire stock
Figures for entire stock
Cumulatively added improvement measures % homes able to receive this measure % in band C or better % reaching Alt UE/m² target
Total Change Total Change
No improvements - 32.3% - 40.8% -
Loft insulation 18.9% 35.5% 3.2% 45.1% 4.3%
Flat roof insulation 1.1% 36.0% 0.5% 45.5% 0.5%
Cavity wall insulation 13.6% 39.1% 3.1% 49.0% 3.4%
Solid wall insulation 19.0% 48.0% 8.9% 60.9% 11.9%
Floor insulation (suspended) 68.3% 61.2% 13.2% 78.5% 17.6%
Floor insulation (solid) 9.0% 62.7% 1.5% 81.1% 2.6%
Hot water cylinder insulation 9.8% 63.1% 1.9% 81.1% 2.6%
Cylinder thermostat 52.4% 63.7% 0.6% 81.7% 0.6%
Solar water heating 78.5% 66.2% 2.5% 82.0% 0.4%
Double Glazing 2.4% 66.3% 0.1% 82.5% 0.4%
Table A5 – Impact on SAP and EU of cumulatively added improvement measures for entire stock
Figures for entire stock
Cumulatively added measures % homes able to receive measure Mean SAP Median SAP Mean Alt UE/m² Median Alt UE/m²
Total Change Total Change Total Change Total Change
No improvements - 59.4 - 64 - 144.7 - 129.3 -
Loft insulation 18.9% 60.6 1.2 65 1 136.9 -7.8 124.7 -4.6
Flat roof insulation 1.1% 60.7 0.1 65 0 136.1 -0.8 124.3 -0.4
Cavity wall insulation 13.6% 61.4 0.7 66 1 131.7 -4.4 120.8 -3.5
Solid wall insulation 19.0% 63.4 1.9 68 2 119.6 -12.1 112.8 -8.0
Floor insulation (suspended) 68.3% 66.2 2.9 70 2 102.4 -17.2 96.4 -16.4
Floor insulation (solid) 9.0% 66.6 0.4 71 1 99.8 -2.5 93.0 -3.3
Hot water cylinder insulation 9.8% 66.8 0.6 71 1 99.9 -2.4 93.1 -3.2
Cylinder thermostat 52.4% 66.9 0.1 71 0 99.5 -0.4 92.7 -0.5
Solar water heating 78.5% 67.9 1.0 72 1 99.3 -0.3 92.4 -0.3
Double Glazing 2.4% 68.0 0.1 72 0 98.8 -0.5 92.0 -0.4



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