
Breast Cancer Clinical Quality Performance Indicators Engagement Document.

Document explaining the process of, and inviting engagement on, revision of the breast cancer QPIs.

3. QPI Formal Review Process

As part of the National Cancer Quality Programme a systematic national review process has been developed, whereby all tumour specific QPIs published are subject to formal review following 3 years analysis of comparative QPI data.

Formal review of the Breast Cancer QPIs was undertaken in December 2015. A formal review group was convened, chaired by Dr Hilary Dobson (Chair, National Cancer Quality Steering Group). Membership of this group included Clinical Leads from the three Regional Cancer Networks. Membership of this group can be found in appendix 3.

The formal review process is clinically driven with comments sought from specialty specific representatives in each of the Regional Cancer Networks for discussion at the initial meeting. This review builds on existing evidence using expert clinical opinion to identify where new evidence is available.

During formal review QPIs may be removed and replaced with new QPIs. Triggers for doing so include significant change to clinical practice, targets being consistently met by all Boards, and publication of new evidence.

Any new QPIs have been developed in line with the following criteria:

  • Overall importance - does the indicator address an area of clinical importance that would significantly impact on the quality and outcome of care delivered?
  • Evidence based - is the indicator based on high quality clinical evidence?
  • Measurability - is the indicator measurable i.e. are there explicit requirements for data measurement and are the required data items accessible and available for collection?


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