
Brexit: unheard voices - views from stakeholders across Scotland on leaving the EU

Views from stakeholders across Scotland on leaving the EU and our response.

Annex A: Brexit Stakeholder Engagement Fund – Detail of funded projects

Launched on 9 May 2018, the Brexit Stakeholder Engagement Fund supported a broad range of projects
and activities that enabled local community-based organisations across Scotland to plan ahead, facilitate
dialogue, and inform policy development on the impacts of the UK’s exit from the EU.

Organisation Details of funded project
Scottish Rural Action To facilitate an open dialogue between people in rural communities – particularly those living in the more remote rural parts of Scotland – hearing their views on Brexit: £25,000
Children in Scotland Setting up a Children and Young Person’s panel on Europe to ensure that their voices are heard as part of the negotiations between the UK and EU: £24,850
My Life My Say To host Brexit cafés in Scotland to allow young people to express their views on the UK’s decision to leave the EU: £8,940
Midlothian Voluntary Action Engagement on food security and affordability in light of Brexit in a local community context: £11,289
Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire Host workshops to look at the effect on the third sector to provide services to the community: £1,500
Citizens’ Rights Project Engagement with EU-27 citizens in Scotland on the lead up to Brexit: £24,000 [1]
YouthLink Scotland To engage with youth workers, in particular part-time/sessional and voluntary youth workers to hear their views about leaving the EU: £8,963
ALLIANCE Explore the implications of Brexit on the lives of older people in Scotland and those who care for them: £12,567
Royal Scottish National Orchestra A consultation to gather the opinions and concerns regarding Brexit of RSNO’s musicians, staff and supporters: £5,142
Scottish Islands Federation Ensure that island communities have the opportunity to contribute to, and influence policy and development around Brexit: £2,828
Perth and Kinross Action Voluntary Service Undertake work to explore the issues relating to Brexit which are most important to the minority communities in Perth and Kinross: £6,553
SCVO The Gathering conference to bring groups together and launch the Children and Young Person’s Panel on Europe. £2,000
SCDI Support for Preparing for Brexit: Scotland and the Future of Migration Policy conference: £2,679



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