
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: business and regulatory impact assessment

Addendum to the business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) prepared to support an amendment to the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS). This considers impacts of permitting the use of bioenergy and peat heating systems, and all secondary heating systems in new buildings.

12. Conclusion

45. This BRIA addendum has primarily considered impacts on businesses, emissions, health and environment, associated with the options explored in the review of the NBHS. We have identified that there could be some positive impacts for businesses who manufacture, sell and distribute heating systems and fuels which could be permitted under Options 2 and 3, relative to the NBHS as introduced on 1 April 2024. The emissions, environmental, and health impacts of the proposed amendment are estimated to be negligible when considered within the context of all building emissions.



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