
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: business and regulatory impact assessment

Addendum to the business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) prepared to support an amendment to the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS). This considers impacts of permitting the use of bioenergy and peat heating systems, and all secondary heating systems in new buildings.

4. Objective

14. The objective of the original NBHS was to prevent all greenhouse gas emissions at point of use associated with delivering space heating, hot water, and cooling in new buildings, as well as conversions of existing buildings under specific circumstances. This covered both domestic and non-domestic buildings applying for a building warrant from 1 April 2024 onward. Secondary outcomes included a scaled-up market for NBHS-compliant heating technologies, which in turn may be indirectly beneficial in lowering the cost of tackling emissions associated with the already existing stock of buildings which will require technology retrofits in future.

15. The revised NBHS will continue to prohibit the use of direct emissions heating systems in new buildings applying for a building warrant from 1 April 2024 onwards but will allow the use of bioenergy and peat heating systems, as well all secondary heating systems.

16. While the core objective of the NBHS remains the same, this revision to the NBHS looks to address concerns on the resilience of communities during periods of extreme weather and other events which may cause the failure of the main heating system, and respect cultural practices.



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