
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: business and regulatory impact assessment

Addendum to the business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) prepared to support an amendment to the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS). This considers impacts of permitting the use of bioenergy and peat heating systems, and all secondary heating systems in new buildings.

5. Options considered in the review of the NBHS

17. In order to address concerns regarding the restriction of woodburning stoves and bioenergy, particularly in rural and island communities, the review of the NBHS considered the following options:

  • Option 1: implement a minor amendment to the existing emergency heating provision – this option would more explicitly permit the use of single combustion systems by removing any limitations on the coverage of the system. Largely maintaining the current form of the regulations would mean that the use of DEH systems, including bioenergy ones, would remain prohibited unless provided for use in emergencies only where the main heating system is non-operational.
  • Option 2: restrict the application of the regulations to main heating systems only – this option would allow the installation of any form of heating system to be used as secondary heating. There would be no requirement to provide justification for the purpose of installation – in contrast to the current requirement which restricts use to “emergency only”.
  • Option 3: permit the installation of all bioenergy and peat heating systems – this option is akin to the position before the NBHS came into force on 1 April 2024 in relation to these fuels and is the mostly likely to ensure that the concerns of rural and island communities are comprehensively addressed.

18. During stakeholder engagement, a further option emerged which combined Options 2 and 3; i.e. to permit all bioenergy and peat heating systems, and all secondary heating systems to more comprehensively address concerns raised relating to the resilience of rural and island communities, and restricted choice of heating system. This combination of Options 2 and 3 has been taken forward and reflected in the Building (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2024.



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