
Pig sector - reducing greenhouse gas emissions: bringing home the bacon - report

Report from the Scottish Pig Industry Leadership Group, one of the farmer-led groups established to develop advice and proposals for the Scottish Government. It focusses on how to cut emissions and tackle climate change, something that was re-emphasised in the updated Climate Change Plan.

1. Executive Summary

The Scottish Pig Industry Leadership Group has produced this report to provide Scottish Government with recommendations to support the sector towards achieving their targets of reaching Net Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions by 2045. This is one of five reports from across Scottish Agriculture that sets out key recommendations relating to sustainable pig production in Scotland.

The Global Warming Potential of Scottish pig farms is down by almost 40% over the last 20 years. This remarkable progress has been achieved as a by-product of farm and industry efforts to improve efficiency and reduce costs of production. Pigmeat is one of the favourite sources of protein for Scottish consumers, combining affordable and tasty products with a low carbon footprint relative to the alternatives.

This report will focus on the key areas which will support the overall Objective of the Scottish Pig sector 'to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Scottish pig production whilst maintaining the output of quality, affordable Scottish Pork'. These are:

  • Maximising Input Efficiency
  • Utilising Best Technology
  • Tackling Livestock Disease
  • Turning Wastes into a Resource
  • Adding Value and Building Producer Confidence

As an unsupported sector historically, there has always been a drive to adopt new practices and learnings to ensure best practice and maximum production efficiency. However, recommendations have been made for public policy measures can reinforce success and sustain this positive momentum by further reducing emissions.



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