
British Sign Language (BSL): National Plan 2017 to 2023

Plan setting out actions to help ensure deaf and deafblind BSL users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life.

Culture and the Arts

Our long-term goal: BSL users* will have full access to the cultural life of Scotland, and an equal opportunity to enjoy and contribute to culture and the arts, and are encouraged to share BSL and Deaf culture with the people of Scotland.

By 2020, Scottish Ministers will:

Enable BSL users* to take part in culture and the arts as participants, audience members and professionals.

Support professional pathways to enable BSL users* to consider a career in culture and the arts.

Increase information in BSL about culture and the arts on websites and at venues.

Improve access to the historical environment, and cultural events, and performing arts and film for BSL users*.

Seek the views of BSL users* to ensure that the Scottish Government’s new culture strategy organisations for Scotland recognises the value of BSL and Deaf culture, and the contribution it makes to the health, wealth and success of people and our communities.

Train staff in the major tourist information centres about the Scottish Government’s nationally funded BSL online interpreting video relay service ( VRS) called ‘contactSCOTLAND- BSL’ and how to help our D/deaf and Deafblind BSL visitors access the service. This work will be delivered by VisitScotland.

Promote the use of the Scottish Government’s nationally funded BSL online interpreting video relay service ( VRS) called ‘contactSCOTLAND- BSL’ on the VisitScotland website.


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