
British Sign Language (BSL): National Plan 2017 to 2023

Plan setting out actions to help ensure deaf and deafblind BSL users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life.


Our long-term goal: BSL users* will have fair and equal access to the civil, criminal and juvenile justice systems in Scotland.

By 2020, Scottish Ministers will:

Establish a BSL-led justice advisory group to provide expertise and guidance to justice agencies. The group will play a key role in developing and delivering a programme of improvements to help the justice agencies better meet the needs of BSL users*.

Work with partners to deliver and evaluate two training programmes aimed at supporting BSL/English interpreters to work within the Justice sector, with a view to informing a longer-term approach.

Work with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service ( SFRS), Police Scotland and Scottish Ambulance Service to develop and implement measures to improve access to emergency services for BSL users*.

Improve access to all Scottish Fire and Rescue Service ( SFRS), emergency and preventative strategies (including home fire safety visits), for BSL users*.


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