
Building better schools: investing in Scotland's future

The school estate strategy is relevant to all parts of the learning environment: the buildings and spaces, the grounds, the fixtures, facilities and furniture.


Strategy/Policy Links

  • Scottish Government School Estate Website

Contains strategy, design guidance, and case studies of school building projects from across Scotland:

  • Curriculum for Excellence

Information about Scotland's new curriculum:

  • Learning & Teaching Scotland

The lead organisation for curriculum development in Scotland, providing advice and guidance to teachers, early years practitioners, schools and local authorities to help improve achievement for all:

  • Scottish Government Concordat

The concordat agreement between the Scottish Government and local government following the Scottish Budget Spending Review 2007:

  • Scotland Performs

The latest information on how well Scotland is progressing towards the Government's Purpose, targets and National Outcomes is reported on a continual basis through the website This reports progress against the National Performance Framework which supports the outcomes-focused approach to government, describing the 10 year vision of the kind of Scotland the Government wants to create.

  • Scottish Futures Trust

The Scottish Futures Trust ( SFT) was set up to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure investment in Scotland and will co-ordinate, facilitate and manage delivery of the new £1.25 billion school building programme:

  • Schools (Consultation) Bill

Latest information on the progress of the Schools (Consultation) Bill introduced to Parliament in March 2009. The aim of the Bill is to improve the process and the consultation procedures that Local Authorities apply to school closures and other major changes to schools:

  • Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009

Information about Scotland's action on climate change, including the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, unanimously passed by Parliament on 24 June 2009. The Act is a key commitment for the Scottish Government and places Scotland at the forefront of global efforts to tackle climate change:

  • sportscotland

Scotland's national agency for sport in Scotland:

Design Links

  • Architecture & Design Scotland

Scotland's national champion for good architecture, design and planning in the built environment:

  • Architecture & Design Scotland Schools Design Programme

Its purpose is to help to create well-designed learning environments which support the policies of local authorities and the Scottish Government. 'Smarter Places' is an initiative set up by the Schools Design Programme to provide a platform for those who use, commission, and design schools - to explore and share the language of design. It provides images and exhibits which can be used for participation and briefing, and is a resource to inform good practice:

  • The Lighthouse

Scotland's Centre for Architecture, Design and the City:

  • Building Excellence

The Building Excellence programme seeks to explore the implications of Curriculum for Excellence for the design of new or refurbished schools and for the design and use of space in existing schools:

  • Senses of Place: Building Excellence

Commissioned by the Scottish Government as part of the Building Excellence programme, The Lighthouse ran series of workshops in which leading Scottish architects and designers worked with school users from five local authorities:

  • Changing Classrooms

The Scottish Government funded The Lighthouse to produce this publication which aims to illustrate the important relationship between space and learning: /Publications/2009/09/22154600/classrooms

Carbon Trust

An agency set up by the UK Government to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy by working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions and develop commercial low carbon technologies:

  • Grounds for Learning

Part of the UK charity Learning through Landscapes, Grounds for Learning helps Scottish schools and early years settings make the most of their outdoor spaces for play and learning:

  • Teachernet - School Buildings Information centre

Web content of the Schools Capital Assets Design Team of the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which aims to promote best practice in design, use and management of school facilities in England:


The online journal of the OECD's Centre for Effective Learning Environments, it addresses issues related to providing a quality educational infrastructure in a cost-effective way:

  • BCSE

British Council for School Environments, incorporating School Works, is a membership organisation made up of local authorities, schools, construction companies, architects and others involved in the design and build process in the education sector:

Douglas Academy - East Dunbartonshire Council

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