
Building a New Scotland: an independent Scotland in the EU

This paper sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for an independent Scotland in the EU.


AI - Artificial intelligence

ALTHEA - The name of the European Union Force Bosnia-Herzegovina military operation

CE - Conformité européenne

CAP - Common Agricultural Policy

CBI - Confederation of British Industry

CFP - Common Fisheries Policy

COP - Conference of the Parties (United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties)

CoR - Committee of the Regions

COVID - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

CSDP - Common Security and Defence Policy

CTA - Common Travel Area

EEA - European Economic Area

EEC - European Economic Community

EESC - European Economic and Social Committee

EMU - Economic and Monetary Union

EPC - European professional card

ERM II - Exchange Rate Mechanism

EU - European Union

FTA - Free Trade Agreement

GDP - Gross domestic product

GW - Gigawatts

GWh - Gigawatt hours

MEP - Member of the European Parliament

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

REPowerEU - The name of the European Union’s plan to reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels by fast forwarding the clean transition and achieving a more resilient energy system in the EU

SGP - Stability and Growth Pact

TEU - Treaty on European Union

USD - United States dollar

UK - United Kingdom



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