
Building a New Scotland: An independent Scotland's Place in the World

This paper sets out the Scottish Government's proposals for an independent Scotland's place in the world.

What our proposals would mean for Scotland

An independent Scotland would prioritise promoting and protecting the security and wellbeing of people in Scotland; promoting human rights and international development around the world; and offering leadership on the climate and environmental crises. Participation in the rules-based international system as an independent sovereign state would support the protection of Scotland, our people and our prosperity.

Independence will mean Scotland takes its place in the international community. The proposals in this publication are designed to allow Scotland to:

  • pursue Scottish interests internationally, focusing on the issues that matter most to the people and businesses of Scotland, guided by our values
  • be properly represented when decisions are made internationally, with a seat at the table at the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and other important global and regional forums, and with a network of diplomats representing Scotland’s interests around the world
  • cooperate with partners around the world to advance our shared objectives and, through joining NATO, enhance our collective security and demonstrate our solidarity by playing our full part in addressing global challenges
  • build on our strong reputation as a good global citizen, and as a great place to live, work, study and do business, by working with like-minded partners on shared goals and by fostering a welcoming environment for people and businesses
  • have the adaptability to thrive in the global economy, with our assets – from energy resources to the talents of our people – in high demand around the world and used to benefit Scotland and all who live here



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